Just installed FreeFem++ 4.12 on a Linux Red Hat 8.0 system, and I tried different 2D and 3D examples. It is strange that plot() does NOT show up although there are no errors.
Is this an issue of Linux or FreeFem installation, can someone help please?
Thank you in advance.
yes, but I just ran the stokes.edp in my examples and it did put up a plot
without the option. If it did not terminate, you can see if it started ffglut,
When the plot is up I have this process tree,
The other thing to try is before the plot put in a line “verbosity=1000;”
although I’m not sure that will help. Check your path- I originally had
problems with other stuff before the freefem bins/libs.
“echo $PATH” and see if freefem is on the path, or 'which -a fffglut"
and if you can paste plain text it makes it easier to quote.
which ffglut
marchywka@happy:/home/documents/cpp/proj/freefem/play$ which -a ffglut
marchywka@happy:/home/documents/cpp/proj/freefem/play$ ffglut
marchywka@happy:/home/documents/cpp/proj/freefem/play$ ffglut --help
Erreur ffglut [-nv|-v|-vv|-vvv] [-wait 0.5] [-g 512x300+10+10] [-t title] [file]
err number 100
Aborted (core dumped)
Did you try running it with “verbosity=1000;” before the plot?
Curious if it complains.
If you did just did the steps in the README file I think it would
have included make, make check and make install along with
steps to make petsc. A default install probably requires admin/sudo
and if you put it somewhere else it needs tobe on your path.
Try this or something like “find …/… -name ffglut”
Yes, verbosity=1000 prints a lot of things without no complains, but not graphs showing up.
It might be a problem of my installation, I used
If you do not have administrator rights or do not want FreeFEM files scattered around on your machine, please use the `--prefix` option, e.g.:
./configure --enable-download --enable-optim --prefix=${HOME}/FreeFem-install
It is weird that I cannot find ffglut in any directory, even in the FreeFem source file directory? :
try “which -a FreeFem++”
and see what is iin whatever directory that lists. Do you have a directory
called ~/FreeFem-install? I always tried to avoid “make install” but pointing
into the build directory often becomes a problem