Help Installing FreeFem++ in Ubuntu 19.10

I tried installing FreeFem++ using both the binary installation and the compilation for Ubuntu but I was unsuccessful with both methods. I’m still an Ubuntu noob and even though there seem to already exist solutions to my problem (FreeFem++: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
) i can’t seem to get it working.

Any help would be appreciated.

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You could recompile without HDF5, by adding --without-hdf5 to your ./configure line.

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Thank you very much! that solved it :slight_smile:

Hi prj,

I am a very beginner user of Ubuntu 19.10 and FreeFrem++ too and I have the same problem. You can share with me more detailed instructions in order to solve the this problem. Many thanks in advances!

What is your problem?

Dear prj,

I have install in my laptop Ubuntu release 19.10 and I try to use FreeFrem++ in order to solve a integral equation through the finite element method. I followed all the step in the installation guide but when I execute the command “francisco@frajaroco:~$ FreeFem++ MC-pred-in.edp” from my terminal to run the code and get the result, the next message appears “FreeFem++: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory”

Yesterday I found your suggestion to solve the problem but given my minimums knowlemen about Ubuntu, I would very much like more detailed instructions on how to solve the problem.

Thank you very much in advance!

Did you install the .deb or compile FreeFEM yourself?

I install “FreeFEM_4.6_Ubuntu_withPETSc_amd64.deb” from your website.

francisco@frajaroco:~/Escritorio$ sudo dpkg -i FreeFEM_4.6_Ubuntu_withPETSc_amd64.deb
[sudo] contraseña para francisco:
(Leyendo la base de datos … 492965 ficheros o directorios instalados actualmente.)
Preparando para desempaquetar FreeFEM_4.6_Ubuntu_withPETSc_amd64.deb …
Desempaquetando freefem (4.6) sobre (4.6) …
Configurando freefem (4.6) …

I think your HDF5 library is too recent, we build the .deb on Ubuntu 18, so it would be best to remove the package and compile FreeFEM yourself using this procedure.

Dear prj,

I’m having problems when running “make check”. The test file shows the FAIL and XFAIL. I install it in ubuntu 18.04 and follow the instructions on this website (

I am a dummy, but this tutorial worked for me: