Error umpfack umfpack_di_numeric status 1

I have the following code:

 //---------------------------------------------------Solving for etaf

  varf ahKf(etafK, varphi)
    =  int2d(Th[K])(kappa*grad(etafK)'*grad(varphi));

  varf fhKf(etafK, varphi)
    = int2d(Th[K])(f*varphi); 

  varf bhKf(vf, varphi)
    = int2d(Th[K])(vf*varphi);
  // local matrices for etaf
  matrix Akf = ahKf(VhK,VhK);
  matrix Bkf = bhKf(V0,VhK);
  real[int] Fkf(ndofVhK);
  Fkf = fhKf(0, VhK);

  // block matrix LHS
  matrix AAkf = [ [ Akf, Bkf ],
                  [ Bkf', 0  ] ];

  real[int] rhsetaf(ndofVhK+nDoFu0), soletafk(ndofVhK+nDoFu0);
  real[int] blmf(nDoFu0), lmf(nDoFu0);

  //second equation to hybrid form equal 0
  blmf = 0;

  // block vector RHS
  rhsetaf = [ Fkf, blmf ];

  set(AAkf, solver=sparsesolver);
  soletafk = AAkf^-1*rhsetaf; //solve linear system

  [etafK[], lmf] = soletafk;   //set the value

  cout << "etaF elem " << K << ": " << etafK[] << "\n";

but it keeps giving me the following error:

 Error umpfack umfpack_di_numeric  status  1
 Error umfpack_di_solve  status  1
etaF elem 0: 6	
	-0.3611303349	-0.3611303349	-0.09386227966	-0.09386227966	0.1877245593

I already tried to change the solver to


but the error remains. Does anyone have any ideia what it could be?

Remark, in new version (develop) the error stop FreeFEM and the error 1 is

            case 1:
                cout << status<< " UMFPACK WARNING singular matrix " <<endl;

In this code, I used the following code to build a local mesh

 real[int, int] nodes = [[coordX0, coordY0], [coordX1,coordY1],
                          [coordX2, coordY2]];

 //cout << nodes << "\n";

 border f0(t=0,1){P.x=nodes(1,0)*t + nodes(0,0)*(1-t);P.y=nodes(1,1)*t + nodes(0,1)*(1-t); label=1;};
 border f1(t=0,1){P.x=nodes(2,0)*t + nodes(1,0)*(1-t);P.y=nodes(2,1)*t + nodes(1,1)*(1-t); label=2;};
 border f2(t=0,1){P.x=nodes(0,0)*t + nodes(2,0)*(1-t);P.y=nodes(0,1)*t + nodes(2,1)*(1-t); label=3;};
 Th[K] = buildmesh(f0(localh) + f1(localh) + f2(localh), fixedborder=true);

I don’t know if its related, but for etaF I should have only one value, instead I’m getting a vector of values as you can see above. Perhaps you could help me with this?