Dear all,
I was able to solve successfully some problems in elasticity in 3D.
Mesh is extremely simple (a revolved square, so forming a ring).
However, as soon as I increase the number of nodes and elements, I get the error :
“Error umfpack_di_solve status -3”
I noticed that other users experienced the same issue but I was able to find no answers.
It cannot be a memory problem since I have RAM 32 Gb and Windows 10 64bit and the memory occupied by the solver is just a tiny fraction before it gives the error.
To understand the problem, I tried to repeat the Example “beam-3d.edp” that I find in the examples/3d subdirectory.
I replaced line 4 :
int[int] Nxyz=[20,5,5];
with the following:
int factor=4;
int[int] Nxyz=[20 * factor, 5 * factor, 5 * factor];
with factor up to 3.5 there is no crash, and very little memory occupation. However, it crashes with factor from 4 upwards, even if the number of elements and nodes is still very low.
Do you have any solution?
Many thanks in advance