March 26, 2024, 3:21pm
I am in the situation where on my universities cluster, there is freefem version 4.9 installed.
The only problem is that the shared library files, like for example, are missing.
Is there a place where i can download them?
I only found the files for version 4.6 here , which are not compatible
First where is FreeFem++,
which machin,
MBP-M2-FH:~ hecht$ export FF_VERBOSITY=100;FreeFem++ an-freefem-script.edp
– GetEnvironmentVariable: verbosity= 100
insert init-files /etc/freefem++.pref
insert init-files /Applications/
insert init-files /Applications/
insert init-files /Users/hecht/.freefem++.pref
insert init-files freefem++.pref
try initfile : /etc/freefem++.pref
error opening init file: /etc/freefem++.pref
try initfile : /Applications/
error opening init file: /Applications/
try initfile : /Applications/
/Applications/ = ./
insert loadpath ./
/Applications/ = /Applications/
insert loadpath /Applications/
/Applications/ = /Applications/
insert includepath /Applications/
try initfile : /Users/hecht/.freefem++.pref
error opening init file: /Users/hecht/.freefem++.pref
try initfile : freefem++.pref
error opening init file: freefem++.pref
insert includepath
load path :
include path :
– GetEnvironment: verbosity is set to 100
ARGV 1 /Users/hecht/Desktop/bug-ff/a.edp
fn: /Users/hecht/Desktop/bug-ff/a.edp
file: /Users/hecht/Desktop/bug-ff/a.edp
– FreeFem++ v4.14 (Mar 5 déc 2023 10:18:49 CET - git v4.14)
file : /Users/hecht/Desktop/bug-ff/a.edp verbosity= 100
Load: callInitsFunct : 2
the you get the place on the disk.