I am wondering if is there any way to Run FreeFem from a saved checkpoint?
I am wondering if is there any way to Run FreeFem from a saved checkpoint?
You can write a script like this
include "getARGV.idp" ;
int Index = getARGV("-index" , 0);
mesh Th; // define the mesh (empty)
fespace Vh(Th, P1); // define the finite element space
// Build or load mesh
if( !Index ){ // Build mesh for the first time
Th = square(20,20);
else{ // Otherwise read the mesh
Vh X1; // The FE-function
// Guess or load the functions
if( !Index ){ // Initial guess
X1 = cos(x*2.0*pi)*sin(y*2.0*pi);
else{ // Otherwise read the data
ifstream input("iter="+(Index-1)+".fem");
input >> X1[] ;
// Do something her, I shift
real shift = 0.1*Index;
X1 = X1( (x+shift) - ((x+shift)<1. ? 0. : 1.) ,y);
// View and save
plot(X1,cmm="iter = "+Index,wait=1,fill=1,value=1);
{ ofstream output("iter="+Index+".fem");
output << X1[] ; };
Then you run your first iteration
> FreeFem++ your_script.edp -index 0
then your second iteration
> FreeFem++ your_script.edp -index 1
hope this helps