Dear all,
I am trying for the first time to use FreeFem++, I installed it and it seems to work.
However, I tried to work on some examples using PETSc, I installed it and I get always the same error despite reinstalling PETSc open-mpi and reinstalling even FreeFem++.
The error I always get is the following:
2 : load "PETSc"
load error : PETSc
fail :
dlerror : dlopen(/usr/local/ff++/openmpi-2.1/lib/ff++/3.61-1/lib/PETSc.dylib, 1): image not found
list prefix: ‘./’ ‘/usr/local/ff++/openmpi-2.1/lib/ff++/3.61-1/lib/’ list suffix : ‘’ , ‘.dylib’
Error line number 2, in file mycode.edp, before token PETSc
If someone could help me on this I would really appreciate.