i’ve installed the newest Windows binarys and im not able to run complex PETSc examples because FreeFem can’t load PETSc-complex.dll even though the file exists.
I have no problems with normal PETS examples.
– FreeFem++ v4.6 (Fri, Apr 03, 2020 2:08:08 PM - git v4.6)
Load: lg_fem lg_mesh lg_mesh3 eigenvalue
1 : load “PETSc-complex”
Load error: PETSc-complex
list prefix: ‘C:\Program Files (x86)\FreeFem++\.’ list suffix: ‘’ , ‘.dll’
current line = 1
Load error : PETSc-complex
line number :1, PETSc-complex
error Load error : PETSc-complex
line number :1, PETSc-complex
code = 2 mpirank: 0
I think there is something wrong with your freefem++.pref, because the list of prefixes seems messed up. Could you make sure the correct path with all the .dll is properly set in the list?
Load error: PETSc-complex
list prefix: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\FreeFem++\.' list suffix: ‘’ , ‘.dll’
current line = 1
Load error : PETSc-complex
line number :1, PETSc-complex
error Load error : PETSc-complex
line number :1, PETSc-complex
code = 2 mpirank: 0
I have been able to reproduce the issue, it should be fixed for the next release, I’ll push a fix soon on the develop branch. In the meantime, could you please download libssp-0.dll (from my personal webpage) and put it in the FreeFEM folder with all the other .dll? This fixed the issue on my installation. Thank you for reporting this.
No problem, good to know some of you are using PETSc/SLEPc in complex on Windows! The link should be up again. Let me know if you run into some other issue.
Thank you very much.
PETSc-complex is now loading and some examples are working with it (Helmoltz and Maxwell).
Some others give PETSC ERROR but I will build my own models now.