However, I get a segmentation fault. I don’t know where the error comes from. Can you please indicate what I am doing wrong? Thank you.
Best regards,
I’ve never used IPOPT. But I’ve seen that there is some examples in examples/plugin. For instance IpoptMinSurf.edp. It looks like the first arguments should be a func, not a real[int].
In the documentation it says that the arguments determining the function can be of the form [A,b] when the function to be optimized is x^TAx+b^Tx (basic quadratic function), or a real[int] when the function is simply a linear function. Supposedly, for these basic cases, more efficient algorithms can be used.
I managed to make the algorithm work by supplying [A,b] with A=0. However, I was wondering why the version present in the documentation does not work.