Thanks Frédéric !
I have
load “MUMPS_seq”
I put
matrix AA=StokesForces3(Xh,Xh,solver=GMRES);
in place of
matrix AA=StokesForces3(Xh,Xh,solver=sparsesolver);
for(int j=0; j<BB1.m; j++){
matHJ2(:,j)=AA^-1 * matBB1(:,j);
takes a lot of time.
I put also
matrix AA=StokesForces3(Xh,Xh,solver=LU,factorize=1);
It is better, but I am forced to use in a unit square a mesh with h=1/40 when I use the HessianL
Without the HessianL (LBFGS)
I can use fine meshes h=1/200 etc
For h=1/40, after 20 iterations, LBFGS obtains a smaller cost value than I use HessinL.
Maybe, I have some errors when I compute dJ.
Thanks a lot Frédéric !