Hello, I want to use nloptLBFGS for an optimization problem. I managed to get a minimal test running, but when I try to apply the same syntax to the problem of interest I get the error below. It talks about a macro error, but I used “func” to define the gradient.
the line where the optimizer is called looks like:
The error report is given below:
nloptLBFGS(J,u[],grad= we waiting for a '('
current line = 109
Compile error : err macro
line number :109, =
error Compile error : err macro
line number :109, =
code = 1 mpirank: 0
On the other hand, the following example seems to work:
load "ff-NLopt"
func real J(real[int] &v){
real[int] ve = v.*v;
return ve.sum;
func real[int] GradJ(real[int] &v){
real[int] res = 2*v;
return v;
real[int] x0 = [1.1,2,-1];
real mm = nloptLBFGS(J,x0,grad=GradJ);
cout << "Minimum: " << mm ;
cout << x0 <<endl;