Hello all,
I am using PETSc with a Local Communicator. Below I give you an example of code (random problem just to show the problem)
mpiComm commGlobal(mpiCommWorld,0,0);
load "PETSc"
load "gmsh";
macro dimension() 2 // EOM 2 for 2d 3 for 3d
macro ThKComm()commLocal // Local communicator or the mesh ThK
include "macro_ddm.idp"
for (int k=0; k<4; k++) //loop on the coarse element
bool elemtest =(mpirank==k%mpisize);
if (elemtest)
mpiComm commLocal(mpiCommWorld,mpirank,0);// MPI_Comm_split //definition of the local communicator
mesh ThK=square(10+k,10+k);
func PkX=P2;
func PkM=P1;
func PkX2 = [PkX, PkX];
fespace VhK(ThK, PkX2); //FE space to solve the local problem
fespace PhK(ThK, PkM);
//Variational formulation //random problem
varf vA([u,v],[uu, vv])=int2d(ThK)((dx(u)*dx(uu)+dy(u)*dy(uu)+dx(v)*dx(vv)+dy(v)*dy(vv))) + on(1,2,3,u=0,v=0) + on(4, u=1, v=0);
varf vB([p], [uu,vv])= int2d(ThK)(-p*(dx(uu)+dy(vv)));
//Creation of the corresponding FreeFEM matrices
matrix A=vA(VhK,VhK);
matrix B=vB(PhK,VhK);
//Creation of the corresponding matrices in PETSc
Mat Ap, Cp;
macro def(u)[u, u #B] // dont touch
macro init(u)[u, u] // dont touch
createMat(ThK, Ap, PkX2)
createMat(ThK, Cp, PkM)
Mat Bp(Ap, Cp, B); // Bp = B
Ap = A; //Ap=A
Mat N=[[Ap, Bp],
[Bp',0]]; // Creation of a Nested Matrix
// RHS vector
real[int] vel(VhK.ndof) ;
vel= 1;
real[int] press(PhK.ndof);
real[int] rhsPETSc;
real[int] velPETSc;
real[int] pressPETSc;
ChangeNumbering(Ap, vel, velPETSc);
ChangeNumbering(Cp, press, pressPETSc);
rhsPETSc = [velPETSc, pressPETSc];
//real[int] xx1= Ap^-1 *velPETSc; // this operation work
real[int] xx3= N^-1 *rhsPETSc; //This operation does not work
cout << "element " << k << " treated " << " with processor " << mpirank << endl;
I run this code with
mpiexec -np 4 FreeFem++-mpi mycode.edp
The operation real[int] xx1= Ap^-1 *velPETSc;
works perfectly.
However when I do the same with the nested matrix N, real[int] xx3= N^-1 *rhsPETSc;
a problem of dimension occurs. Indeed, the error for one processor is for example example :
Submatrix dimension (144,1058) incompatible with nest block (630,1058)
I don’t know where the size 630 comes from. It seems that something is replicate 4 times.
Could someone help me to build correctly the nested matrix N ?
Thank you in advance,
Best regards,