For verification purposes I would like to compare a solution computed in parallel with the sequentially computed one.
As a basis for an minimal working example I took an example from Pierre Jolivet’s tutorial and tried to reduce the distributed local solutions to a global one. I tried to accomplish this in the same way as it was done in the maxwell-3d-PETSc.edp example:
load "PETSc"
load "medit"
macro dimension()2// EOM
include "macro_ddm.idp"
real c = 6.25;
int N = 80;
mesh M;
border a(t=0,1) { x=t; y=0; label=1; };
border b(t=0,1) { x=1; y=t; label=1; };
border c(t=0,1) { x=1-t; y=1; label=1; };
border d(t=0,1) { x=0; y=1-t; label=1; };
M = buildmesh(a(N)+b(N)+c(N)+d(N));
mesh ThPlt = M;
load "Element_P3"
func Pk = P3;
Mat J;
int[int] n2o;
macro ThN2O()n2o// EOM
createMat(M, J, Pk)
fespace Vh(M, Pk);
Vh u;
func BC = cos(pi*x)*cos(pi*y);
varf vInit(w, v) = on(1, w = BC);
varf vJ(w, v) = int2d(M)(dx(w)*dx(v) + dy(w)*dy(v) - c*exp(u)*w*v) + on(1, w = 0);
varf vRes(w, v) = int2d(M)(dx(u)*dx(v) + dy(u)*dy(v) - c*exp(u)*v) + on(1, w = u);
int it = 1;
real tol = 1.0e-6;
u[] = vInit(0, Vh, tgv = -1);
real[int] b = u[];
for(int i = 1; i < it; ++i) {
real[int] v = vRes(0, Vh, tgv = -1);
v -= b;
real res = sqrt(J(v, v));
if(mpirank == 0)
cout << "Norm of the residual = " << res << endl;
if(res < tol)
matrix Loc = vJ(Vh, Vh, tgv = -1);
J = Loc;
real[int] inc = J^-1 * v;
u[] -= inc;
plotD(M, u, cmm = "Solution at iteration #" + i);
plotD(M, u, cmm = "Final solution");
if(!NoGraphicWindow) {
real[int] sol;
changeNumbering(J, u[], sol);
changeNumbering(J, u[], sol, inverse = true);
fespace WhPlt(ThPlt, Pk);
WhPlt plt;
WhPlt reduce;
cout << mpirank << " " << u[].n << " " << sol.n << " " << Vh.ndof << " " << WhPlt.ndof << " " <<endl;
int[int] rest = restrict(Vh, WhPlt, n2o);
for[i, v : rest] plt[][v] = sol[i];
mpiReduce(plt[], reduce[], processor(0, mpiCommWorld), mpiSUM);
if(mpirank == 0)
medit("Global solution", ThPlt, reduce); // To keep this example short I kept medit here instead of saving the solution or calculating the difference to a reference solution
But the restrict(?) results in a segfault:
[1]PETSC ERROR: Caught signal number 11 SEGV: Segmentation Violation, probably memory access out of range
I would appreciate it if someone would point out my mistake.