Hello FreeFEM developers!
Is there an easy way to gather/scatter distributed arrays on local partitions to/from a global array for file I/O under the HPDDM framework developed by @prj? In the examples I’ve seen (e.g. navier-stokes-2d-PETSc.edp), the file I/O is handled in an efficient distributed fashion where the local solution on each mpirank is saved/loaded in a separate file. How could I perform file I/O via a single file on a single process?
In essence, I’d like to gather a distributed solution into a single array on mpirank 0 and save it as a single file for post-processing purposes. Then, I could similarly load that single solution file on mpirank 0 and scatter it to the various other processors for other computations.
I imagine that macro_ddm.idp already has a convenient way to do this, but I don’t know of any examples or documentation which could give some clues. Any suggestions would be helpful!
Thank you,