Hi to all,
I guess this is a question to Frédéric Hetch or close collaborators :
The documentation only describe order=0 and order=1 options for saving a field with savesol and all examples I have seen only do it for P1 FE fields. I have tested savesol readsol for P1 fields and it works fine. However, for P2 fields, even if the option order=2 is accepted there is a MISSING DATA warning when executing and readsol does not work properly.
Is there some project to extend savesol readsol funcitons for P2 FE fields ?
Many thanks Frédéric. It works indeed. Here are some line codes for people interested :
fespace Vh(Th, P2);
Vh c, ctest;
// copy the data c into a vector
ctest= c;
// save the P2 FE field
{ofstream ff(“csol.txt”); ff << ctest<< endl;
read the P2 FE field
{ifstream gg(“csol.txt”); gg >> ctest3;
// plot the read data
plot(ctest3, Th, value=true, wait=true);
Tried with the first example in learning by examples. So, what could be the possible reason of not receiving the plot of u. Attaching the save-read code and result