Save the values of scalar filed u w together with the mesh Th and Th1 in a .vtk file

Dear FF++Users & Developers,
I was trying to save the values of scalar filed u w together with the mesh Th and Th1 in a .vtk file with
savevtk(“uw.vtu”,Th,u,Th1,w,dataname=“uw source”);
But that doesn’t seem to be possible, so I’d like to ask how this can be achieved.
Thank you!

Assuming u is defined on Th and w is defined on Th1, you need something like:

savevtk("filename1.vtu", Th, u, dataname = "u", order = 1);
savevtk("filename2.vtu", Th1, w, dataname = "w", order = 1);

Thank you very much for your reply. But I want Th u and Th1 w to be stored in a .vtk file.

Is there any particular reason for wanting a .vtk file? The .vtk format is deprecated, so you should use .vtu.

Because I want to put the deformation of both rings in the same window for analysis, but Tecplot can’t do that.