Problem reading/writing mesh file

I am working on both my computer and distant computing resources provided by my lab and I seem to have a compatibility issue. I have created a .mesh file in the distant computer (using what is called v.4.4-2-nopetsc). When I try to read it in my computer (v.4.4-3), I have the following error:

read mesh ok 1Mesh3, num Tetra:= 0, num Vertice:= 0 num boundary Triangles:= 0
  --  Mesh3::Mesh3 Erreur opening cylm10.mesh
  current line = 18
Assertion fail : (0)
	line :161, in file ../femlib/Mesh3dn.cpp
Assertion fail : (0)
	line :161, in file ../femlib/Mesh3dn.cpp

Yet my .mesh file begins with

MeshVersionFormatted 2

Dimension 3


I have tried to generate my own .mesh file to compare and try to understand the problem, but using

savemesh(Th,"cylm10_home.msh") // or .mesh



result in the error

Unable to open file cylm10_home.msh // or .mesh or .vtu

Do you have an idea on how I could read the mesh correctly? (and why I cannot save a mesh?)


Please post your mesh file and your .edp.

After downloading again the distant mesh file, I cannot reproduce the error with readmesh3… sorry about that.

The writing problem remains but I cannot upload the file, so I copy it below:

load "msh3"
load "tetgen"
load "iovtk"


real r00 = 9.00e-1; //rayon du cylindre
real L00 = 9.40; //longueur du cylindre

int m=10; //Nombre de noeuds au bord par cm
int nlayer = L00*m; //Nombre de couches dans le maillage

border c(t=0,2*pi){x=r00*cos(t);y=r00*sin(t);};
mesh cercle = buildmesh(c(2*pi*r00*m));

int[int] rup=[0,1], rdown=[0,2], rmid=[1,3];
mesh3 Th = buildlayers(cercle,nlayer,
  coef = 1.,
  zbound = [0,L00],
  labelmid = rmid,
  reffaceup = rup,
  reffacelow = rdown);



load "msh3"
load "tetgen"
load "iovtk"


real r00 = 9.00e-1; //rayon du cylindre
real L00 = 9.40; //longueur du cylindre

int m=10; //Nombre de noeuds au bord par cm
int nlayer = L00*m; //Nombre de couches dans le maillage

border c(t=0,2*pi){x=r00*cos(t);y=r00*sin(t);};
mesh cercle = buildmesh(c(2*pi*r00*m));

int[int] rup=[0,1], rdown=[0,2], rmid=[1,3];
mesh3 Th = buildlayers(cercle,nlayer,
  coef = 1.,
  zbound = [0,L00],
  labelmid = rmid,
  reffaceup = rup,
  reffacelow = rdown);

mesh3 ThLoad = readmesh3("cylm10_home.mesh");

This works OK on my machine. If it doesn’t on yours, consider updating your FreeFEM installation.

I ran this code on my computer

But when I open the saved grid file, it is blank. I don’t no why.