Problem in boundary condition implementation while using mesh formed by movemesh

I have solved the Poisson problem with Dirichlet boundary condition for an ellipse domain. I transformed the ellipse into a circle solved the problem in circle then got the solution in ellipse by inverse transformation. You can see here
exp2.edp (766 Bytes)
I got the answer without using movemesh. But while using movemesh I am facing difficulty in setting boundary condition in the transformed mesh, which is generated from original mesh by using movemesh.
Please help with this.
exp1.edp (779 Bytes)

when using movemesh, the labels for the transformed mesh Th are taken from the original mesh Sh. Thus the boundary label is “1”. You just have to set
solve TPoisson(U,V) = int2d(Th)((b/a)*dx(U)*dx(V)+(a/b)*dy(U)*dy(V))-int2d(Th)(13*a*b*V)+on(1,U=Uexact);
If you want to change the labels, you have to use the command change

Hello Dear,
I have tried the same problem with Neumann boundary. I am facing difficulty in the line 1D boundary integral under transformation. If du/dn=q given then qv ds is transformed to QV dS. If du/dn is not given then what about discretized du/dn. Please look at this-
exp1.edp (939 Bytes)