I have a mesh resulting from adaptmesh function, now, I’m trying to use this mesh to solve a new problem, however, my problem has neumann and non homogeneous dirichlet boundary conditions and the solution is coming out wrong, is there a way to use adaptmesh but keep the boundary labels?
For exemple, this is my initial mesh
real x0 = 0.;
real x1 = 1200;
real y0 = 0;
real y1 = 2200;
int globalH = 2^3;
mesh calP = square(globalH,globalH);
since I’m using square, the boundary labels are 1, 2, 3 and 4, I would like to keep this labels in the adapted mesh.
and then, when I look at the solution, it seems that for these specific corner elements, it doesn’t work and I have no idea why, beacause the other side is basically the same
its unclear to me what you are trying to do. Your BC on boundary 3 is not doing anything since it is multiplied by 0. Did you mean to use the on() function?
either way, is the same problem
the boundary condition on boundary 3 is suposed to do nothing, is there just in case I wanted to change examples
but my problem is for the condition on boundary 1, it seems that it’s not working on that last element