"plot of array with wrong number of components (!= 2 or 3) "

I keep trying to copy these examples with plot and except for very simple
things they end up making errors. I can’t see the difference betwneen
my code and the file I copied it from.
The excerpt below is from the example Stokes-v3-matrix-mumps.edp
with a plot line taken from one of the other examples with variables
changed . I’ve seen this error before but no idea what is wrong.

Also, I noted that when viewing a plot at the end after solution all the other
cores were maxxed out still- gdb showed at least one was in a spin wait loop
or similar. You can waste the cores if that is all the thing is doing but in this
case I can give up some speed so my browser can run lol. I think this is why
I have a bad attitude towards MPI- stepping on each other for memory
etc makes a mess very easily. Is there some way to get the other mpiranks
to exit while rank zero is showing the plots? Thanks.

//if(mpirank==0) medit("UV2 PV2",Th,[u1,u2,u3],p);
if(mpirank==0) plot([u1,u2],p,value=true,coef=.2,wait=1,cmm="[u1,u2] - p ");
//plot([Ux, Uy], p, value=true, coef=0.2, cmm="[Ux, Uy] - p");

```123 : 
  124 : //if(mpirank==0) medit("UV2 PV2",Th,[u1,u2,u3],p);
  125 : if(mpirank==0) plot([u1,u2],p,value=true,coef=.2,wait=1,cmm="[u1,u2] - p ")
 Error line number 125, in file Stokes-v3-matrix-mumps.edp, before  token )
plot of array with wrong  number of components (!= 2 or 3) 
  current line = 125 mpirank 0 / 8
Compile error : plot of array with wrong  number of components (!= 2 or 3) 
	line number :125, )
error Compile error : plot of array with wrong  number of components (!= 2 or 3) 
	line number :125, )

I think that as it says

has wrong dimension. In 2d, plot([u1,u2],p,... is correct, but in 3d I think it expects a 3-component array: plot([u1,u2,u3],p,...

Thanks that seems to work and I never would have guessed that.