Piecewise 𝑃2 discontinuous finite element is not applicable to 1D problem

Hello, load “element_p1dc1” is applicable to 1D problem, while p2dc is not applicable to 1D problem. What are the commands for high-order interpolation, quadratic interpolation and cubic interpolation of 1D discontinuous finite element?

This is no problem


load "msh3"
meshL Th=Sline(10); 
fespace Wh(Th,P2dcL);

te result:

Last login: Tue Sep  6 18:02:15 on ttys001
MBP-M1-FH:~ hecht$ cd /Users/hecht/Desktop/bug-ff; cd '/Users/hecht/Desktop/bug-ff'; /Applications/FreeFem++.app/Contents/ff-4.11/bin/FreeFem++ 'P2dcL.edp' -glut '/Applications/FreeFem++.app/Contents/ff-4.11/bin/ffglut' ;exit;
-- FreeFem++ v4.11 (Ven  2 sep 2022 15:21:54 CEST - git help-86-g7733f688)
   file : P2dcL.edp
 Load: lg_fem lg_mesh lg_mesh3 eigenvalue 
    1 : load "msh3"
    2 : meshL Th=Sline(10); 
    3 : fespace Wh(Th,P2dcL); sizestack + 1024 =1312  ( 288 )

  -- Build Nodes/DF on mesh :   n.v. 11, n. elmt. 10, n b. elmt. 2
     nb of Nodes 10    nb of DoF   30  DFon=0300
  -- FESpace: Nb of Nodes 10 Nb of DoF 30
times: compile 0.004097s, execution 0.000163s,  mpirank:0
 CodeAlloc : nb ptr  3761,  size :483304 mpirank: 0
Ok: Normal End