Neumann condition in stokes equation

Hello everyone;
Can you please guide me on how to apply the Neumann boundary condition in the Stokes equation on \Gamma_d?

\begin{cases}-v \Delta u+\nabla p=0 & \text { in } \Omega \ \nabla \cdot u=0 & \text { in } \Omega \ u=U & \text { on } \Gamma_d \ \sigma(u) \cdot n=F & \text { on } \Gamma_d\end{cases}

Some year ago , I write slide of BC Stokes problem.
BC-STOKES.pdf (216.7 KB)

with some examples;
Stokes-Pipe-Curve.edp (2.1 KB)

Stokes-Pipe.edp (944 Bytes)