Hi all, I’m quite new to freefem so please try to bear with me. I’ve been trying to implement a mesh adapation into my code for a nonlinear system of three equations in order to make it more efficient. My code uses a Newton scheme to deal with the nonlinearity, which seems to work fine, but I cannot get the mesh adaptation to behave properly; my problem is that with each timestep, the adapted mesh becomes increasingly fine to point where it makes my code less efficient than it was without any mesh adaptation and I see no reason why it should be doing this. The mesh adaptation does not seem to be following the contours of u1, u2 and phi. See below the initial mesh:
At timestep t=0.1, the adapted mesh looks good and seems to match u1, u2 and phi:
But then it becomes unnecessarily fine for t=0.2 and t=0.3 etc.:
Why is this happening? Why does the mesh become so fine? The mesh does not seem to be adapting to the functions that I have input into the adaptmesh() function. Below I have attached my code for reference (apologies, it is a little messy). Please let me know if my question is not clear.
//Time step
real dt = 0.1;
//Model parameters
real mu1 = 0.001;
real mu2 = 0.001;
real mu3 = 0.001;
real V = 0.2;
real D = 0.01;
real Vr = 0.0015;
real F = 96485.3;
real T = 298;
real R = 8.31;
real k0pb = 0.00000021;
real k0pb02 = 0.00000025;
real Eminus = 0.13;
real Eplus = 1.56;
//Initial adaptation error
real Eadapt = 0.1;
//Error threshold and initial error for Newton loop
real eps = 1e-6;
real err = 1;
//Construction of initial mesh
real L = 0.02;
real W = 0.012;
int meshSize2 = 40;
int meshsize3 = meshSize2*(L/W);
int wall1 = 1;
int wall2 = 2;
int inlet = 3;
int outlet = 4;
mesh dom4;
border b1(t=0., 1.){x=Wt; y=0; label=inlet;};
border b2(t=0., 1.){x=W; y=Lt; label=wall2;};
border b3(t=0., 1.){x=W-Wt; y=L; label=outlet;};
border b4(t=0., 1.){x=0; y=L-Lt; label=wall1;};
dom4 = buildmesh(b1(meshSize2) + b2(meshsize3) + b3(meshSize2) + b4(meshsize3));
plot(dom4, wait=true);
//Defining function spaces, variables and test functions (note, test functions are denoted as v followed by a number e.g. v1)
fespace Vh(dom4, P2);
Vh du1, v1, u1, uu1, uin1, uin01, uout01;
fespace Vh2(dom4, P2);
Vh2 du2, v2, u2, uu2, uin2, uin02, uout02;
fespace Vh3(dom4, P2);
Vh3 dphi, v3, phi;
//Setting up problem (the unknowns are the corrections du1, du2 and dphi to the variables u1, u2 and phi)
problem dHeat (du1, du2, dphi, v1, v2, v3)
+ du2v2
+ dtmu1(dx(du1)dx(v1) + dy(du1)dy(v1))
+ 2dtmu1*(F/(RT))(u1*(dx(dphi)dx(v1) + dy(dphi)dy(v1)) + du1(dx(phi)dx(v1) + dy(phi)dy(v1)))
- dt(6V/(W^2))x(W-x)(du1dy(v1))
+ dtmu2*(dx(du2)dx(v2) + dy(du2)dy(v2))
+ dtmu2(F/(RT))(u2*(dx(dphi)dx(v2) + dy(dphi)dy(v2)) + du2(dx(phi)dx(v2) + dy(phi)dy(v2)))
- dt(6V/(W^2))x(W-x)(du2dy(v2))
+ dtF*(2mu1-2mu3)(dx(du1)dx(v3) + dy(du1)dy(v3))
+ dtF(mu2-mu3)(dx(du2)dx(v3) + dy(du2)dy(v3))
+ dt(F^2/(RT))((4mu1+2mu3)(u1*(dx(dphi)dx(v3) + dy(dphi)dy(v3)) + du1(dx(phi)dx(v3) + dy(phi)dy(v3))) + (mu2+mu3)(u2(dx(dphi)dx(v3) + dy(dphi)dy(v3)) + du2(dx(phi)dx(v3) + dy(phi)dy(v3))))
+ int2d(dom4)(
+ u2v2
+ dtmu1(dx(u1)dx(v1) + dy(u1)dy(v1))
+ 2dtmu1*(F/(RT))u1(dx(phi)dx(v1) + dy(phi)dy(v1))
- dt(6V/(W^2))x(W-x)(u1dy(v1))
+ dtmu2*(dx(u2)dx(v2) + dy(u2)dy(v2))
+ dtmu2(F/(RT))u2(dx(phi)dx(v2) + dy(phi)dy(v2))
- dt(6V/(W^2))x(W-x)(u2dy(v2))
+ dtF*(2mu1-2mu3)(dx(u1)dx(v3) + dy(u1)dy(v3))
+ dtF(mu2-mu3)(dx(u2)dx(v3) + dy(u2)dy(v3))
+ dt(F^2/(RT))((4mu1+2mu3)u1(dx(phi)dx(v3) + dy(phi)dy(v3)) + (mu2+mu3)u2(dx(phi)dx(v3) + dy(phi)dy(v3)))
+ int2d(dom4)(
+ int1d(dom4, outlet)(dt(6V/(W^2))x(W-x)(v1u1) + dt(6V/(W^2))x(W-x)(v2u2))
- int1d(dom4, wall2)(dt(1/(2F))v1(4Fk0pbu1sinh((F/(RT))(-phi-Eminus-(RT/(2F))log(abs(u1)))))
+ dtv3(4Fk0pbu1sinh((F/(RT))(-phi-Eminus-(RT/(2F))log(abs(u1))))))
+ int1d(dom4, wall1)(dt(1/(2F))v1(4Fk0pbu1*(u2/1.5)sinh((F/(RT))(3-phi-Eplus+(RT/(2F))log(abs(u1/u2)))))
+ int1d(dom4, outlet)(dt*(6*V/(W^2))*x*(W-x)*(v1*du1) + dt*(6*V/(W^2))*x*(W-x)*(v2*du2))
- int1d(dom4, wall2)(dt*(1/(2*F))*v1*(du1*4*F*k0pb*(sinh((F/(R*T))*(-phi-Eminus-(R*T/(2*F))*log(abs(u1)))) - 0.5*cosh((F/(R*T))*(-phi-Eminus-(R*T/(2*F))*log(abs(u1))))) + dphi*(-4*F^2*k0pb/(R*T))*u1*cosh((F/(R*T))*(-phi-Eminus-(R*T/(2*F))*log(abs(u1)))))
+ dt*v3*(du1*4*F*k0pb*(sinh((F/(R*T))*(-phi-Eminus-(R*T/(2*F))*log(abs(u1)))) - 0.5*cosh((F/(R*T))*(-phi-Eminus-(R*T/(2*F))*log(abs(u1))))) + dphi*(-4*F^2*k0pb/(R*T))*u1*cosh((F/(R*T))*(-phi-Eminus-(R*T/(2*F))*log(abs(u1))))))
+ int1d(dom4, wall1)(dt*(1/(2*F))*v1*(du1*4*F*k0pb02*(u2/1.5)*(sinh((F/(R*T))*(3-phi-Eplus+(R*T/(2*F))*log(abs(u1/u2)))) + 0.5*cosh((F/(R*T))*(3-phi-Eplus+(R*T/(2*F))*log(abs(u1/u2)))))
+ du2*4*F*k0pb02*(u1/1.5)*(sinh((F/(R*T))*(3-phi-Eplus+(R*T/(2*F))*log(abs(u1/u2)))) - 0.5*cosh((F/(R*T))*(3-phi-Eplus+(R*T/(2*F))*log(abs(u1/u2))))) + dphi*(-4*F^2*k0pb02/(R*T))*u1*(u2/1.5)*cosh((F/(R*T))*(3-phi-Eplus+(R*T/(2*F))*log(abs(u1/u2)))))
-dt*(2/F)*v2*(du1*4*F*k0pb02*(u2/1.5)*(sinh((F/(R*T))*(3-phi-Eplus+(R*T/(2*F))*log(abs(u1/u2)))) + 0.5*cosh((F/(R*T))*(3-phi-Eplus+(R*T/(2*F))*log(abs(u1/u2)))))
+ du2*4*F*k0pb02*(u1/1.5)*(sinh((F/(R*T))*(3-phi-Eplus+(R*T/(2*F))*log(abs(u1/u2)))) - 0.5*cosh((F/(R*T))*(3-phi-Eplus+(R*T/(2*F))*log(abs(u1/u2))))) + dphi*(-4*F^2*k0pb02/(R*T))*u1*(u2/1.5)*cosh((F/(R*T))*(3-phi-Eplus+(R*T/(2*F))*log(abs(u1/u2)))))
-dt*v3*(du1*4*F*k0pb02*(u2/1.5)*(sinh((F/(R*T))*(3-phi-Eplus+(R*T/(2*F))*log(abs(u1/u2)))) + 0.5*cosh((F/(R*T))*(3-phi-Eplus+(R*T/(2*F))*log(abs(u1/u2)))))
+ du2*4*F*k0pb02*(u1/1.5)*(sinh((F/(R*T))*(3-phi-Eplus+(R*T/(2*F))*log(abs(u1/u2)))) - 0.5*cosh((F/(R*T))*(3-phi-Eplus+(R*T/(2*F))*log(abs(u1/u2))))) + dphi*(-4*F^2*k0pb02/(R*T))*u1*(u2/1.5)*cosh((F/(R*T))*(3-phi-Eplus+(R*T/(2*F))*log(abs(u1/u2))))))
+ on(inlet, du1=uin1-u1)
+ on(inlet, du2=uin2-u2)
real t=0;
uu1=0.7; //old value of u1 (value at the previous time step)
uin01=0.7; //initial inlet value of u1
uout01=0.7; //intial outlet value of u1
u1=0.7; //Initial guess for Newton iteration (note, this is just the value at t=0)
uu2=1.5; //old value of u2 (value at the previous time step)
uin02=1.5; //initial inlet value of u2
uout02=1.5; //intial outlet value of u2
u2=1.5; //Initial guess for Newton iteration (note, this is just the value at t=0)
phi=1; //starting guess for phi in Newton iteration
for (int m=0; m<=5/dt; m++){ //Time loop
t = t+dt;
uin1 = uin01 + dt*(V*D*W/Vr)*(uout01-uin01); //forward difference scheme applied to equation for inlet value of u1
uin01 = uin1;
uin2 = uin02 + dt*(V*D*W/Vr)*(uout02-uin02); //forward difference scheme applied to equation for inlet value of u2
uin02 = uin2;
for(int G=0; G<4; G++){ //Mesh adaptation loop
for (int i=0; i<=50; i++){ //Newton iteration loop
u1[]+=du1[]; //add the corrections to the current approximations for the unknowns i.e. u1=u1+du1 etc.
real Lu1= u1[].linfty, Lu2=u2[].linfty, Lphi=phi[].linfty;
err = du1[].linfty/Lu1 + du2[].linfty/Lu2 + dphi[].linfty/Lphi;
cout<<i<<"err="<<err<<" eps="<<eps<<endl;
if(err<eps) break; //If the error is less than the threshold value, end the Newton loop
if(i>3 && err>10) break; //If the error begins to diverge, end the Newton loop
dom4 = adaptmesh(dom4, u1, u2, phi, err=Eadapt, nbvx=40000, hmin=0.0001); //Adapt the mesh to the newly obtained solutions
u2=u2; //Interpolate the newly found solutions upon the new version of the mesh
uu1 = u1; //update solution at previous timestep
uout01 = int1d(dom4, outlet)(u1)/W; //Update the old outlet value
uu2 = u2;
uout02 = int1d(dom4, outlet)(u2)/W;
//Plot the results for this current timestep
plot(phi, value=true, wait=true);
plot(u2, value=true, wait=true); //fill=true,
plot(u1, value=true, wait=true); //fill=true,