Logarithm Error in system of PDEs

I am very new to FreeFEM so I am probably making a few simple mistakes but would really appreciate your help.

I am trying to solve a system of 6 PDEs to model cancer growth. This is my code so far:

real L = 1.0;
real D = 10.0;
real b = 1.0;
real P = 1.2;
int meshSize = 50;

int wall = 1;
int inlet = 2;
int outlet = 3;

mesh Mesh;
border b1(t =0.,1.){x=Lt; y = 0.; label=wall;};
border b2(t=0.,1.){x=L; y=L
t; label=outlet;};
border b3(t=0.,1.){x=L-Lt; y=L; label =wall;};
border b4(t=0.,1.){x=0.;y=L-L
t; label=inlet;};

Mesh = buildmesh(b1(meshSize) + b2(meshSize) + b3(meshSize) + b4(meshSize));
plot(Mesh, wait =1);

real t = 0.0;
real dt = 0.2;
real Kc = 1.0;
real Kn = 1.0;
real epsilon = 0.001;
real Pan = 1.0;
real Pac = 1.0;
real Pbn = 1.0;
real Pbc = 1.0;
real Q = 1.0;
real deltaA = 1.0;
real deltaB = 1.0;
real deltaE = 1.0;

real dC = 1.0;
real dN = 1.0;
real dA = 1.0;
real dB = 1.0;
real dX = 1.0;
real dE = 1.0;

real DA = 1.0;
real DB = 1.0;
real DX = 1.0;
real DE = 1.0;

real G = 1.0;

fespace Space(Mesh, P1);
Space C, Ncell, A, B, X, E, v;

problem Cequation(C, v) =
int2d(Mesh)( dC * C * v / dt + -C * log((C/Kc)+ epsilon) * v)
+ on(1, C = 1);

problem Nequation(Ncell, v) =
int2d(Mesh)( dN * Ncell * v / dt + -C * log(Ncell / Kn + epsilon) * v)
+ on(1, Ncell = 1);

problem Aequation(A, v) =
int2d(Mesh)( dA * A * v / dt + DA * dx(A) * dx(v)+ Pan * Ncell * v+ Pac * C * v - deltaA * A * v)
+ on(1, A = 1);

problem Bequation(B, v) =
int2d(Mesh)( dB * B * v / dt + DB * dx(B) * dx(v)+ Pbn * Ncell * v+ Pbc * C * v - deltaB * B * v)
+ on(1, B = 1);

problem Xequation(X,v) =
int2d(Mesh)(dX* X * v / dt + DX * dx(X) * dx(v) + Q * (1 - X) * E * v - C * X - Ncell * X )
+ on(1, X = 1);

problem Eequation(E,v) =
int2d(Mesh)(dE * E * v / dt + DE * dx(E) * dx(v) + G * E * v - deltaE * E * v)
+ on(1, X = 1);

In my first and second equation, I use a log function : log((C/Kc)+epsilon). When I run the code I am getting the error <10LinearCombI7MGauche4C_F0E>, . I think it has something to do with having C in the log function - maybe causing negative numbers in the log.

Does anyone know how to fix this issue? Also any other recommendations on how I should solve this system would be great. Thanks

could you let me know if there are any good examples that are similar to this? thanks

The following is Non linear, so you have to choose a algorithme to approximate.

problem Cequation(C, v) =
int2d(Mesh)( dC * C * v / dt + -C * log((C/Kc)+ epsilon) * v)
+ on(1, C = 1);


Thanks. What algorithm would you recommend?

first I suppose the term is

-C * log((C/Kc)*v 

you can user a fixed point method

-C * log((Cp/Kc)*v 

where Cp is the previous value of C.
and make a loop on p.

Thank you so much for the help.