Thank you, Chris
After studying more the problem I reached to this form of the code:
load "UMFPACK64"
include "macro_ddm.idp"
load "gmsh"
load "iovtk"
mesh Th=gmshload("Test.msh");
plot(Th, wait=true);
fespace XFES(Th, P1);
fespace XMFES(Th, P2);
fespace XXXXXFES(Th,[P2,P2,P2,P1]);
XFES Axial, Radial, Tangential, Pressure;
XXXXXFES<complex>[uy,ux,uz,up]; //Eigenmodes: uaxial, uradial, utheta
XXXXXFES<complex>[hy,hx,hz,hp]; //Test functions, axial, radial, tangential directions
XFES EMur, EMui;
func E = [P2, P2, P2, P1];
// uy = Axial Velocity;
// ux = Radial velocity;
// uz = Tangential Velocity;
// up = Static Pressure;
ifstream file("DAxial.txt");
file >> Axial[];
ifstream file("Radial.txt");
file >> Radial[];
ifstream file("Tangential.txt");
file >> Tangential[];
ifstream file("Pressure.txt");
file >> Pressure[];
// Combine the files above in one finite element space - XXXXXFES instead of using XFES for each of them
[u,v,w,p] = [Axial, Radial, Tangential, Pressure]; //Time and azimuthal averaged flow components
plot(u, wait=true);
plot(v, wait=true);
plot(w, wait=true);
// plot(uy, wait=true);
// plot(ux, wait=true);
// plot(uz, wait=true);
// plot(up, wait=true);
real Re = 500; // Reynolds number
int m = 1; // Wave number
real shiftr = 0; // Real part of the shift value
real shifti = 0.2; // Imaginary part of the shift value
real nu=1/Re;
complex shift = shiftr+shifti*1i; // Shift value (eigenvalue)
real eps=1e-12; // Convergence criteria
int nev=5; // Number of wanted eigenvalues
int ncv=10*nev; // Number of eigenvectors
// real epss = 1e-12;
int[int] Order = [1,1];
string DataName = "DEMu DEMv ";
macro JJJ x // multiply by "r" which is "x"
macro div(im,u) (dy(u#y)+dx(u#x)+u#x/x+im/x*u#z)// macro for divergence
macro Grad(im,u) [
[dy(u#y), dx(u#y), im/x*u#y ],
[dy(u#x), dx(u#x), im/x*u#x-u#z/x],
[dy(u#z), dx(u#z), im/x*u#z+u#x/x ]
] // macro for vecocity gradient tensor
macro D(im,u) [
[dy(u#y), .5*(dy(u#x)+dx(u#y)), .5*(im/x*u#y+dy(u#z)) ],
[.5*(dy(u#x)+dx(u#y)), dx(u#x), .5*(im/x*u#x-u#z/x+dy(u#z))],
[.5*(im/x*u#y+dy(u#z)), .5*(im/x*u#x-u#z/x+dx(u#z)), im/x*u#z+u#x/x]
] // macro for rate-of-deformation tensor
varf LNSE ([uy,ux,uz,up],[hy,hx,hz,hp])
+on(7,12,11, uy=0., ux=0., uz=0.) //7, 12, 11 -- inlet and walls
+on(10, uy=0., pe=0.);
varf b([uy,ux,uz,up],[hy,hx,hz,hp])
matrix<complex> OP = LNSE(XXXXXFES,XXXXXFES, solver=sparsesolver);
matrix<complex> B = b(XXXXXFES,XXXXXFES, solver=CG);
complex[int] EigenVal(nev);
XXXXXFES<complex>[int] [EigenVecu,EigenVecv,EigenVecw,EigenVecp](nev);
int k;
int i;
k = EigenValue(OP,B,sigma=shift,value=EigenVal,nev=nev,vector=EigenVecu,ncv=ncv,tol=eps);
// PLOTS//
for (i=0; i<nev; i++)
EMur=real(EigenVecu[i]); //Real part of the streamwise component direct eigenmode
EMui=imag(EigenVecu[i]); //Imaginary part of the streamwise component direct eigenmode
savevtk("EigenModes"+i+".vtu", Th, [EMur,EMui], dataname = DataName, order = Order);
However, I see in this example here a boundary condition written as an integral on line on the symmetry axis, which is labeled with “6” in the code (see lines 186-187).
*I changed the wave number name from alpha to m.
Normally, in such cases I should impose on:
Inlet and walls: velocity components of the eigenmodes equal to 0;
Symmetry axis: axial velocity component and pressure equal to 0;
Is there some boundary condition that I am missing?
Best regards,