Error of ./3rdparty/getall -a when install FreeFem on Red hat

Dear all,

As the title suggests, I meet problem on ./3rdparty/getall -a when follow the instruction on GitHub - FreeFem/FreeFem-sources: FreeFEM source code to install FreeFem++ on my Red hat machine. However, it turns out that

Can anyone know how to solve it?

The website where the packages are hosted is currently down. If you install PETSc, most of these packages will be downloaded using another mirror, so that should be fine.

Thanks very much for your reply. Can you specify the mirror it is to download PETSc packages?

Here is one:
I’m surprised this wasn’t downloaded, this is a reliable link.

Thanks for updating the 3rdparty/getall, this command can work successfully. However, when I type in ‘make check’, a lot of files failed as seen below

Do you know how to solve this problem?

By the way, after ‘make install’, there are no files FreeFem+±mpi and ff-mpirun.
Is such phenomenon common?

No, it is no common, your installation has not MPI enabled (but it should be by default, so it is likely you have a failed installation).

Hi, prj

I try to download again following the instruction. And the error turned out when I typed in the command 'make petsc-slepc ’ as the screenshot shows.

Do you know why it happened?

The configure.log shows that ‘Cannot use SuperLU with 64-bit BLAS/LAPACK indices’
configure.log (4.6 MB)

You are using a BLAS implementation with 64-bit integers, could you switch to 32-bit integers?

Maybe, but I don’t know how to switch :sweat_smile: