"Err border element not in mesh" importing 3D mesh from gmsh

Hi to all, i’m trying to import a 3D mesh .msh from gmsh 2.2 to FreeFem++ but i receive the following error:

Loading packages… 916619 vertices
closing file 5196967 4972572
5196967 tetrahedrons
4972572 triangles
10169539 numElements
– GMesh3 , n V: 916619 , n Elm: 5196967 , n B Elm: 4972572mes 0.193817 150.574 , bb: (-0.85656 0.383135 0.122828) , (-0.33292 0.906775 1.02283)
Err Border element not in mesh
3 : 0 1 676596
4 : 0 2 28
7 : 0 26 28
9 : 0 26 230
15 : 0 230 676671
16 : 0 676596 676597
17 : 0 676597 676671
19 : 1 3 29
20 : 1 3 225974
– warning true boundary element 4680679 is no in correct orientation
– warning true boundary element 4942052 is no in correct orientation
Warning change orientation of 2 faces
Warning error in boundary oriention 2 faces
current line = 19
Assertion fail : (err==0)
line :1008, in file …/femlib/GenericMesh.hpp
~HashTable: Cas moyen : 5.22306
Assertion fail : (err==0)
line :1008, in file …/femlib/GenericMesh.hpp
err code 6 , mpirank 0
close MUMPS_SEQ: MPI_Finalize

How can i solve this issue? Thanks in advance to all

I’m not fully sure of what the error message stands for, but I can read for sure "boundary element (…) is no in correct orientation.
I often had that kind of error and I solved it including the mesh loading between this two code lines:

lockOrientation = false;
mesh3  Th = readmesh3("meshname.mesh"); 
lockOrientation = true;

I hope that this could help!

btw the gmsh version you are mentioning is pretty old, maybe passing to the last release may help too!

I really hope that this will help you.

Yours sincerely,


unfortunatly this instruction had no effect, the bad orientation remain. Thanks anyway for the help!