So I realized that Stokes does not work and I needed vStokes to solve
my 2 cubes in the wind example ( drafting a semi truck lol ). The plot looks
plausible and I wanted to explore in R. However, all the velocity and pressure
values are identical on each point AFAICT. What is wrong where I write
to p.txt? Thanks.
///home/ubuntu/dev/freefem/FreeFem-sources-master/examples/3d$ vi Poisson-cube-ballon.edp
// Navier-Stokes equations
load “msh3”
load “tetgen”
load “medit”
load “mshmet”
load “mmg”
real volumetet; // use in tetg.
meshS Thx0,Thx1, Thy0, Thy1, Thz0, Thz1;
int nx=10,ny=10,nz=10;
func meshS mycube ( real x0, real x1, real y0,real y1, real z0, real z1, int orient, int lb)
meshS ThHex;
// first build the 6 faces of the hex.
//real x0=-1,x1=1;
//real y0=-1.1,y1=1.1;
//real z0=-1.2,z1=1.2;
// a volume of on tet.
volumetet= (x1-x0)(y1-y0)(z1-z0)/ (nxnynz) /6.;
mesh Thx = square(ny,nz,[y0+(y1-y0)*x,z0+(z1-z0)*y]);
mesh Thy = square(nx,nz,[x0+(x1-x0)*x,z0+(z1-z0)*y]);
mesh Thz = square(nx,ny,[x0+(x1-x0)*x,y0+(y1-y0)*y]);
int ii=lb-1;
int[int] refz=[0,5+ii]; // bas
int[int] refZ=[0,6+ii]; // haut
int[int] refy=[0,3+ii]; // devant
int[int] refY=[0,4+ii]; // derriere
int[int] refx=[0,1+ii]; // gauche
int[int] refX=[0,2+ii]; // droite
int f1=-1;
int f2=1;
if (orient==1) { f1=1; f2=-1; }
int[int] l0=[0,lb+0];
Thx0 = movemesh23(Thx,transfo=[x0,x,y],label=l0,orientation=f1,region=refx,removeduplicate=false);
Thx1 = movemesh23(Thx,transfo=[x1,x,y],label=l0,orientation=f2,region=refX,removeduplicate=false);
Thy0 = movemesh23(Thy,transfo=[x,y0,y],label=l0,orientation=f2,region=refy,removeduplicate=false);
Thy1 = movemesh23(Thy,transfo=[x,y1,y],label=l0,orientation=f1,region=refY,removeduplicate=false);
Thz0 = movemesh23(Thz,transfo=[x,y,z0],label=l0,orientation=f1,region=refz,removeduplicate=false);
Thz1 = movemesh23(Thz,transfo=[x,y,z1],label=l0,orientation=f2,region=refZ,removeduplicate=false);
//medit(" — ", Thx0,Thx1,Thy0,Thy1,Thz0,Thz1);
ThHex = Thx0+Thx1+Thy0+Thy1+Thz0+Thz1;
return ThHex;
real x0=-1,x1=1; real yy0=-1.1,yy1=.1; real z0=-1.2,z1=.2;
real xa0=-.5; real ya0=-.8; real za0=-1;
real xb0=-.1; real yb0=-.8; real zb0=-1;
real sz=.25;
meshS ThHex = mycube(x0,x1,yy0,yy1,z0,z1,1,1);
real vol=volumetet;
meshS Thsrc=Thx0;
nx=10; ny=10; nz=10;
meshS Tha = mycube(xa0,xa0+sz,ya0,ya0+sz,za0,za0+sz,1,100);
meshS Thb = mycube(xb0,xb0+sz,yb0,yb0+sz,zb0,zb0+sz,1,200);
meshS Thc= Tha+Thb+ThHex;
//medit(" asdf ",Thc);
real[int] domaine = [-.9,-1,-1.1,.5,vol];
mesh3 Th = tetg(Thc,switch=“pqaAAYYQ”,nbofregions=1,regionlist=domaine);
for( int i=0; i<1; ++i)
cout<<" ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "<<i<<endl;
real uxc=100;
// vStokes example a lot odifferent doh
// example uses 1,2,3 instead of x,y,z
fespace VVh(Th, [P2, P2, P2, P1]);
VVh [ux, uy, uz, p];
VVh [vx, vy, vz, q];
fespace Xh(Th,P1);
// this does not fing work.
{ofstream ff(“dump.txt”); dumptable(ff); }
macro grad(u) [dx(u),dy(u),dz(u)]// def of grad operator
macro Grad(u) [dx(u), dy(u), dz(u)] //
macro div(ux,uy,uz) (dx(ux) + dy(uy) + dz(uz)) //
solve vStokes ([ux, uy, uz, p], [vx, vy, vz, q],solver=CG)
= int3d(Th, qforder=3)(
Grad(ux)’ * Grad(vx)
- Grad(uy)’ * Grad(vy)
- Grad(uz)’ * Grad(vz)
- div(ux, uy, uz) * q
- div(vx, vy, vz) * p
- 1e-10 * q * p
//+on(3,ux=uxc) +on(4,ux=uxc) +on(5,ux=uxc) +on(6,ux=uxc)
+on(100,101,102,103,104,105,200,201,202,203,204,205,ux=0, uy=0,uz=0)
cout<<" ++++++++++++ done solve +++++++++++++++++++ "<<i<<endl;
//real[int] foo(Th.nv);
// wtf?
//{ofstream ff(“u.txt”); ff<<ux<<uy<<uz; }
//{ofstream ff(“p.txt”); ff<<p; }
{ofstream ff(“p.txt”);
// probably this is number of triangles or tets
for (int i = 0; i < Th.nt; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < 1+(3*0); j++)
ff << Th[i][j].x
<< " "<< Th[i][j].y
<< " "<< Th[i][j].z
<< " " << p[VVh(i,j)]
<< " " << ux[VVh(i,j)]
<< " " << uy[VVh(i,j)]
<< " " << uz[VVh(i,j)]
<< endl;
} // scoping
//real[int] viso=[0,.01,.05,.1,.2,.3];
//plot(ux, viso=viso, value=true, wait=1);
//plot([ux,uy,uz],p, value=true, wait=1);
plot(p, value=true, wait=1);
plot(ux, value=true, wait=1);
Xh hh=p; real lerr=.001;
real[int] hx=mshmet(Th,(dx(p)*dx(p)+dy(p)*dy(p)+dz(p)*dz(p)),normalization=1,aniso=0,nbregul=1,hmin=Th.measure/80,hmax=Th.measure/2,err=lerr);
cout<<" +++++++++ RECO ++++++++++++++++++++ "<<i<<endl;
// zero regions?
} //i