Uzawa scheme for stokes bingham flow

Thank you ,Professor.

Sorry, about the incompressible version I forgot one line to determine the additive constant in the pressure
With that the scheme converges rather nicely! Here is the full code (with other minor modifications).
I think that Mu=sqrt(2.) corresponds to the test of Olshanskii.

real Bn = 1.; real Mu=sqrt(2.);

real L = 1;     //Pipe length
real D = 1.;    //Pipe height
real L1=.1;
real L2=.9;
real r2=Mu/Bn;
macro Gradient(u) [dx(u), dy(u)] //
macro Divergence(ux, uy) (dx(ux) + dy(uy)) //
macro UgradV(ux,uy,vx,vy) [ [ux,uy]'*[dx(vx),dy(vx)] , [ux,uy]'*[dx(vy),dy(vy)] ]//
macro StrainRate(ux,uy) [dx(ux), dy(uy), (dy(ux)+dx(uy))/sqrt(2.)] //

func f1=0.;
func f2=0.;
border b1(t=0., 1.){x=t*L; y=0.;};
border b2(t=0., 1.){x=L; y=D*t; };
border b3(t=L, 0.){x=t; y=D;};
border b4(t=0., 1.){x=0.; y=D-D*t;};
int nn = 64;

mesh Th=buildmesh(b1(nn)+b2(nn)+b3(nn)+b4(nn));
//Th = adaptmesh(Th, 1./64., IsMetric=1, nbvx=10000);
fespace Wh(Th,P2);
fespace Qh(Th,P1);

Wh ux,uy,ux0,uy0,vx,vy;
Qh p,q;
Qh normsigma,normsigmaplot;

fespace Lh(Th,P1dc);
Lh TmGxx, TmGyy, TmGxy;
Lh Gdotxx, Gdotyy, Gdotxy;
Lh TmGxx0, TmGyy0, TmGxy0;
Lh Tauxx,Tauyy,Tauxy,Taunorm;

func u3=1.;

        ux0=0.; uy0=0.;

        real errold=1.e10;
        real errstop = 0.1/8.*L/nn;
        for(int j=0; j<500; ++j){  
solve bing([ux,uy,p],[vx,vy,q],solver=UMFPACK)
        +int2d(Th)( Bn*[TmGxx,TmGyy,TmGxy]'* StrainRate(vx,vy))
        -int2d(Th)([f1 , f2]' *[vx ,vy])
        -int2d(Th)(Mu*p*Divergence(vx, vy)+Mu*q*Divergence(ux, uy))
        + on(b1, ux=0., uy=0.)
        + on(b2, ux=0., uy=0.)
        + on(b3, ux=u3, uy=0.)
        + on(b4, ux=0., uy=0.)

        Gdotxx = 2.*dx(ux);
        Gdotyy = 2.*dy(uy);
        Gdotxy = sqrt(2.)*(dx(uy)+dy(ux));


   real normsigest=sqrt(int2d(Th)((TmGxx+2.*Mu/Bn*dx(ux))^2+(TmGyy+2.*Mu/Bn*dy(uy))^2
   real err = sqrt(int2d(Th)(square(ux - ux0)+square(uy - uy0)));
   real errsigma = sqrt(int2d(Th)(square(TmGxx-TmGxx0)+square(TmGyy-TmGyy0)+square(TmGxy-TmGxy0)));
   cout << err << "  " << errsigma << " --iteration error u,sigma  /iteration step  --" << j<< endl;
   if (r2*max(err,errold)<normsigest*errstop) break;
}// end of iteration loop on j


real[int] valiso(15);
for (int i=0; i<valiso.n;i++)
real[int] colorhsv=[
4./6., 1 , 0.5,
4./6., 1 , 1,
5./6., 1 , 1,
1, 1. , 1,
1, 0.5 , 1
plot(normsigmaplot, ps = "normsigma_solution.eps",viso=valiso(0:valiso.n-1),value=1,fill=1,wait =1,hsv=colorhsv);

load "Element_P3"
fespace Rh(Th, P3);
Rh dyg,dyg2;
solve streamlines (dyg, dyg2,solver=UMFPACK)
    = int2d(Th)(
        + dy(dyg)*dy(dyg2)
    + int2d(Th)(
        - dyg2*(dy(ux) - dx(uy))
    + int1d(Th)(
        - dyg2*(uy*N.x-ux*N.y)
    + int1d(Th)(1e-8*dyg*dyg2)
    real errdiv=int2d(Th)(abs(Divergence(ux, uy)));
    cout << "errdiv = " << errdiv << endl;
    real errstream=sqrt(int2d(Th)((dx(dyg)-uy)^2+(dy(dyg)+ux)^2));
    cout << "errstream = " << errstream << endl;

Dear Professor,
Thank you so much for this code. Right now I am trying to run the code but it stops at the 3rd iteration like this

It stops to compile.
How can I fix?

It looks like the iteration is just finished, just type “enter” in the plot window to see the diagnostics!

For convenience you can add a line
cout << "end of computations, type return in the plot window to plot " << endl;
just after the end of the iteration loop.

Dear Professor,
It looks great. Thank you so much.

Dear Professor,
When I plot the streamlines ,I also want to draw rigid zones as in the examples;gray shaded areas. I couldn’t figure out how to include rigid zones into the streamlines plot. Could you give me any ideas please?

I think it’s not possible to draw two different type of plots on the same window in FF++. One thing you could do is post treatment with an image freeware in order to merge two output files.

But a try is to rescale one function to be in a range close to the other. For the version of the code I have posted, the plotting section becomes

real[int] valiso(15);
for (int i=0; i<valiso.n;i++)
    valiso[i]=1.37-0.0746666+2*i*0.016/3.;// doubled range
real[int] colorhsv=[
4./6., 1 , 0.5,
4./6., 1 , 1,
5./6., 1 , 1,
1, 1. , 1,
1, 0.5 , 1
plot(normsigmaplot, ps = "normsigma_solution.eps",viso=valiso(0:valiso.n-1),value=1,fill=1,wait =1,hsv=colorhsv);

load "Element_P3"
fespace Rh(Th, P3);
Rh dyg,dyg2;
solve streamlines (dyg, dyg2,solver=UMFPACK)
    = int2d(Th)(
        + dy(dyg)*dy(dyg2)
    + int2d(Th)(
        - dyg2*(dy(ux) - dx(uy))
    + int1d(Th)(
        - dyg2*(uy*N.x-ux*N.y)
    + int1d(Th)(1e-8*dyg*dyg2)
    real errdiv=int2d(Th)(abs(Divergence(ux, uy)));
    cout << "errdiv = " << errdiv << endl;
    real errstream=sqrt(int2d(Th)((dx(dyg)-uy)^2+(dy(dyg)+ux)^2));
    cout << "errstream = " << errstream << endl;

dyg=min(dyg,0.07);// to avoid larger values
plot(dyg,normsigmaplot,viso=valiso(0:valiso.n-1),value=1,fill=1,wait =1,hsv=colorhsv);

Here the values <1.37 are for the stream function, and the values >1.37 are for \|\sigma\| (values between 1.37 and 1.44 because we focus around the value \sqrt{2}).

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Dear Professor ,
Thank you so much.

Your result looks correct. You can take for plot commands

plot(p, cmm="Pressure",ps="pressurepoiseuille.eps",wait=1,value=true);
plot([ux, uy], cmm="Velocity",ps="velpoiseuille.eps",value=true);

Please open a new topic for a new subject (your question is not related to the subject “Uzawa scheme for stokes Bingham flow”). To open a new topic press the “+” in the bottom right of the FF window.

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Thank you for your kind reply sir.