I was working on a project and I started to use functions to make the code simpler. As the computing times started to get high, I started to optimize the code. I found that the main wastage of time was calling functions, because if the code inside the function is just written in the place where you call the function, It is much faster. I wrote a minimal example to show what i mean:
func bool example1(int[int] & I){
for(int i=0; i<I.n; i++) I(i) = i;
return 0;
real[int] timer(2);
int repetitions = 100;
int length = 1e6;
for(int j=0; j<repetitions; j++){
int[int] I(length);
real time = clock();
timer(0) += clock()-time;
for(int j=0; j<repetitions; j++){
int[int] I(length);
real time = clock();
for(int i=0; i<I.n; i++) I(i) = i;
bool exa = 0;
timer(1) += clock()-time;
timer /= repetitions;
cout<<"Mean of times per iteration with function call: "<<timer(0)<<endl;
cout<<"Mean of times per iteration without function call: "<<timer(1)<<endl;
My question is, am I doing something wrong? Is there a way to use functions whithout slowing the codes? Maybe I should imput the data into the function in another form (like in C++ you do by using pointers).
Thank you for your help.