from the documentation it looks like its possible to add customized finite element
types but just as a learning exercise, and I even had a specific usage in mind, is it
possible to dump the calculation of simple things like derivatives in an fespace?
For example, something like this,
` 1 :
2 : mesh Th = square(10,10);
3 : fespace Xh(Th,P0);
4 : matrix A=dx(Xh) error operator ( <PP5v_fes>
List of choices
( <10LinearCombI6MDroit4C_F0E> : <10LinearCombI6MDroit4C_F0E> )
( <St7complexIdE> : <St4pairIP6FEbaseISt7complexIdE6v_fesLEiE> )
( <d> : <St4pairIP6FEbaseId6v_fesLEiE> )
( <St7complexIdE> : <St4pairIP6FEbaseISt7complexIdE6v_fesSEiE> )
( <d> : <St4pairIP6FEbaseId6v_fesSEiE> )
( <St7complexIdE> : <St4pairIP6FEbaseISt7complexIdE6v_fes3EiE> )
( <d> : <St4pairIP6FEbaseId6v_fes3EiE> )
( <St7complexIdE> : <St4pairIP6FEbaseISt7complexIdE5v_fesEiE> )
( <d> : <St4pairIP6FEbaseId5v_fesEiE> )
( <10LinearCombI7MGauche4C_F0E> : <10LinearCombI7MGauche4C_F0E> )