Dear all,
I am trying to solve problem of 3-dimensional elasticity. I have extracted the stiffness matrix (K) and force vector (F) using the variational formulation. Now, I have solved the equation for displacement U, using U=K^-1.F.
Now, displacement is a vector field, so I need to again distribute U into its respective forms, U1, U2, U3. I did it but the plot is not what I should get for a tip-loaded beam.
Please find my code below. Thanks in advance.
load “mshmet”
load “msh3”
load “medit”
load “TetGen”
include “cube.idp”
load “lapack”
real l = 10; // lenght
real w = 1; // breadth
real h = 1; // height
real I = whh*h/12; // area moment of inertia
int[int] Nxyz=[20,2,2];
real [int,int] Bxyz=[[0.,l],[0.,w],[0.,h]];
int [int,int] Lxyz=[[1,2],[3,4],[5,6]];
mesh3 Th=Cube(Nxyz,Bxyz,Lxyz);
real E = 210.0e9;
real nu = 0.3;
real rho = 7850;
real mu = E/(2*(1+nu));
real lambda = Enu/((1+nu)(1-2*nu));
// Fespace
fespace Vh(Th,[P1,P1,P1]);
Vh [u1,u2,u3], [v1,v2,v3];
real sqrt2=sqrt(2.);
macro epsilon(u1,u2,u3) [dx(u1),dy(u2),dz(u3),(dz(u2)+dy(u3))/sqrt2,(dz(u1)+dx(u3))/sqrt2,(dy(u1)+dx(u2))/sqrt2] // EOM
macro div(u1,u2,u3) ( dx(u1)+dy(u2)+dz(u3) ) // EOM
varf a([u1,u2,u3],[v1,v2,v3],tgv=1e50)=
+2.*mu*( epsilon(u1,u2,u3)'*epsilon(v1,v2,v3) )
+ on(1,u1=0,u2=0,u3=0)
varf f([u1,u2,u3],[v1,v2,v3])=
matrix A= a(Vh,Vh,solver=“SPARSESOLVER”); //stiffness matrix
real[int] F = f(0,Vh);
real[int,int] K(A.m,A.m);
real c = 0;
for (int i=0; i<A.m;i++){
for(int j=0; j<A.m; j++){
real[int,int] a1realinv(A.m,A.n);
a1realinv = K^-1;
matrix Kinv(A.m,A.n); /inverse of matrix a1/
for (int e=0; e<A.m; e++){
for (int ee=0;ee<A.n; ee++){
Kinv(e,ee) = a1realinv(e,ee);
real[int] U(A.n); /Displacement/
U=Kinv*F; //U=K^-1.F
real[int] U1(A.m/3),U2(A.m/3),U3(A.m/3);
for(int e=0; e<A.m/3; e++){
U1(e) = U(3*e);
U2(e) = U(3*e+1);
U3(e) = U(3*e+2);
real coef = 1000;
int[int] ref2 = [1, 0, 2, 0];
Vh [uu,vv,ww];
uu[] = U1;
vv[] = U2;
ww[] = U3;
mesh3 Thm = movemesh3(Th, transfo=[x+uucoef, y+vvcoef, z+ww*coef], label=ref2);
Thm = change(Thm, label=ref2);
plot(Thm, wait=true, cmm="coef amplification = "+coef);