I am interested in solving polynomial eigenvalue problems using parallel FreeFem. Could you please interface the SLEPc Polnynomial Eigenvalue Problem in the near future?
I am interested in solving polynomial eigenvalue problems using parallel FreeFem. Could you please interface the SLEPc Polnynomial Eigenvalue Problem in the near future?
It’s already there, see FreeFem-sources/SLEPc-code.hpp at develop · FreeFem/FreeFem-sources · GitHub. Maybe it’s not handling the specific case you have in mind?
Thanks for the info, I will try it out.
Does it work like
int PEPSolve(Mat[int], vectors = fespace<complex>[int], values = complex[int], sparams = string);
or like
int PEPSolve(Mat0, Mat1, vectors = fespace<complex>[int], values = complex[int], sparams = string);
i.e., does the function expect a Mat array, or multiple Mat-s like when solving a generalized eigenvalue problem? Or does the PEPSolve function work differently? I am sorry, but I am not a good programmer, and find the SLEPc-code.hpp file confusing.
int PEPSolve(Mat[int], vectors = fespace<complex>[int], values = complex[int], sparams = string);
is the way to go.
Thanks, I will try it out!
Dear @prj ,
Thank you for the help, I managed to use the PEP solver for my problem and it work flawlessly.
I also made a small example demonstrating the usage of the PEP solver in this commit.
Wow, thank you very much for your contribution, let’s continue the discussion over at GitHub.