I used FreeFem for a while and today when I tried to run a simple script which involved plotting a function, it segfaulted. Here is the code :
int npoints = 100; // Number of points on the circonference of the disk
real radius = sqrt(1/pi); // The radius of the disk of area 1
border circle(t=0,2*pi){
x = radius*cos(t);
y = radius*sin(t);
mesh Th = buildmesh(circle(npoints));
fespace Vh(Th,P1);
Vh f = x;
plot(f, wait=true);
and the error i get :
-- FreeFem++ v4.6 (Thu Apr 2 15:47:38 CEST 2020 - git v4.6)
Load: lg_fem lg_mesh lg_mesh3 eigenvalue
1 : int eigCount = 10; // the number of eigenvalues to compute
2 : int npoints = 100; // Number of points on the circonference of the disk
3 : real radius = sqrt(1/pi); // The radius of the disk of area 1
4 :
5 : border circle(t=0,2*pi){
6 : x = radius*cos(t);
7 : y = radius*sin(t);
8 : }
9 :
10 : mesh Th = buildmesh(circle(npoints));
11 :
12 : fespace Vh(Th,P1);
13 : Vh uh,vh;
14 : Vh f = x;
15 :
16 : plot(f, wait=true);
17 : sizestack + 1024 =1504 ( 480 )
-- mesh: Nb of Triangles = 1766, Nb of Vertices 934
times: compile 0.00399s, execution 0.009392s, mpirank:0
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
CodeAlloc : nb ptr 3473, size :469344 mpirank: 0
Ok: Normal End
I don’t know what would be the cause of it, I hope you will be able to help me. I already tried to uninstall and reinstall freefem with no success.