Problem in implementation of DG code for Stokes-Darcy interface problem

Dear all,
I have implemented standard finite element code for coupled Stokes-Darcy problem (Here I am attaching the link of the pdf where the model problem has been described []). It is running well. But Discontinuous Galerkin(DG) SIPG code for aforementioned problem doesn’t not providing desired results. The problem contains interface condition which occurs coupling between Stokes and Darcy equation. But I think the DG code is not approximating the interface properly and taking zero value at the interface. But in my model problem the specific boundary condition at the interface is not prescribed. Below, I have attached the DG code for the Stokes-Darcy problem.
real nu = 1./1.;
verbosity = 0;
macro div(ux,uy) (dx(ux) + dy(uy))//
int NN = 32;
border D1(t=0, 1){x=t; y=0; label=1;}
border D2(t=0, 1){x=1; y=t; label=2;}
border D3(t=0, 1){x=1-t; y=1; label=3;}//interface of darcy region
border D4(t=0, 1){x=0; y=1-t; label=4;}
border N1(t=0, 1){x=t; y=1; label=5;} //interface of Stokes region
border N2(t=1, 2){x=1; y=t; label=6;}
border N3(t=0, 1){x=1-t; y=2; label=7;}
border N4(t=0, 1){x=0; y=2-t; label=8;}
mesh Th1 = buildmesh( N1(NN) + N2(NN)+ N3(NN) + N4(NN));
mesh Th2 = buildmesh( D1(NN) + D2(NN) + D3(NN) + D4(NN));
mesh Th = Th1+Th2; //mesh
fespace Vh(Th1,P1dc); // Discontinous P1 finite element
Vh ux, uy, uu1, uu2, dux,duy, vx, vy;
fespace Ph1(Th1, P0); // Discontinous P0 finite element
Ph1 p1, pp1,q1,dp1;
fespace Ph2(Th2, P1dc);// Discontinous P1 finite element
Ph2 p2, pp2,q2,dp2;
real pena=50.; // a paramater to add penalisation
Vh Uex1= x^2*(y-1)^2+y; //exact solution
Vh Uex2= -2x(y-1)^3/(3)+2-pisin(pix); //exact solution
Ph1 p1ex= (2-pisin(pix))sin(piy/(2)); //exact solution
Ph2 p2ex= (2-pisin(pix))(1-y-cos(piy));//exact solution
func U1b= x^2*(y-1)^2+y; //boundary condition
func U2b= -2x(y-1)^3/(3)+2-pisin(pix); //boundary condition
func P22b= (2-pisin(pix))(1-y-cos(piy)); //boundary condition
// Define right hand side for Stokes and Darcy
func f1 = (-2x^2-2(y-1)^2-(pi^2)cos(pix)sin(piy/(2.)));
func f2 = (4x(y-1)-(pi^3)sin(pix)+(2-pisin(pix))(pi/2)cos(piy/(2.)));
func f3 = -(pi^3)sin(pix)
solve Stokes([dux,duy,dp1], [vx,vy,q1])=
+ dy(dux)dy(vx)
+ dx(duy)dx(vy)
+ dy(duy)dy(vy))
- div(dux,duy) * q1
- dp1
- 1e-4
+ intalledges(Th1)(
(mean(dx(dux))N.xjump(vx)+mean(dy(dux))N.yjump(vx)+mean(dx(duy))N.xjump(vy) +mean(dy(duy))N.yjump(vy) +mean(dx(vx))N.xjump(dux)+mean(dy(vx))N.yjump(dux)+mean(dx(vy))N.xjump(duy)+mean(dy(vy))N.yjump(duy)
+ (pena/lenEdge)(jump(dux)jump(vx)+jump(duy)jump(vy)))
- (pena/lenEdge)
-((U1b)N.x+(U2b)N.y)(q1) )
(-1)))) //interface
(vx*(1)+vy0)) //interface

	solve DAR(dp2, q2)= 
			+ dy(dp2)*dy(q2)
	+ intalledges(Th2)((
		+ (pena/lenEdge)*(jump(dp2)*jump(q2)))  /nTonEdge)
	    - (pena/lenEdge)*((P22b)*(q2)))  
	-int1d(Th2,3)((dux*0+duy*(-1))*q2) //interface
plot([Uex1,Uex2],wait=1, cmm="exact solution"); 
plot([dux,duy],wait=1, cmm="approximate solution");
plot(p2ex,wait=1, cmm="exact solution");
plot(dp2,wait=1, cmm="approximate solution");

Please, help me out to resolve this problem. Thanks in advance.

When you solve Stokes, you have an interface term involving dp2.
At this time, Darcy is not yet solved, thus it takes dp2=0.
You should try to solve both problems in a coupled way, using a composite space, and a variational formulation with Stokes and Darcy together.

Thank you sir for your suggestion. I have tried accordingly but it is not working and again at interface they are taking zero value. Also, I would like to mention that the decoupled technique is nicely working for standard Finite element but not working for Discontinuous galerkin method.

I have tried to solve the coupled problem in this way but it is not working. Is there any other way to solve it? Any suggestions in this direction will be great help for me.

I have defined a single mesh with two regions. The coupled problem is solved nicely with the spaces P2,P1,P2.
composite-space-DGStokesDarcy.edp (4.1 KB)

For DG it works with composite, but some corrections on the interface involve the exact solution (don’t know how to remove them)
composite-space-DGStokesDarcy.edp (4.6 KB)

Sorry for the DG implementation the code was wrong.
A correct version is
composite-space-DGStokesDarcy.edp (4.4 KB)

The plot is correct but the code is not giving us the correct convergence rate for error. Could you suggest a way to resolve the issue?

Dear Sweta,
I don’t know how to improve it. From my point of view it converges nicely. I have showed you how to use the composite framework in the DG context, by imitation of the model code

Next, finding the best scheme is your job!