Partial periodic boundary condition erroe

  • Square mesh : nb vertices =3321 , nb triangles = 6400 , nb boundary edges 240
    Problem build of FEspace (2d) (may be : due to periodic Boundary condition missing ) FH
    The number of DF must be 55120 and it is 55485
    current line = 98
    Assertion fail : (snbdf == NbOfDF)
    line :1057, in file …/femlib/FESpace.cpp
    Assertion fail : (snbdf == NbOfDF)
    line :1057, in file …/femlib/FESpace.cpp
    err code 5 , mpirank 0

This is freefem error message.

If we can’t reproduce the problem on our machines, we sadly can’t help you.
Please post a MWE (.mesh, .edp, and what not).