Parabolic problem in 3D

i write the Following code to calculate the solution of two problems
du/dt-Delta u+ qdelta(x/eps,y/eps,z/eps) u/(1+u)= 0.25sin(2pi*x), (x,y,z) \in (0,1)^3, t \in [0,1)

avec la condition initiale u(x,0)=0 et les conditions au ord périodique.

qdelta(t,s,c)= 1 si (x,y,z) \in B_{delta}+ \Z^3 et 0 sinon.

le rayon de la boule B_{delta}= (3./4*(1./(pi*w)))^1/3.

et l’autre problème est

dw/dt-Delta w+w/(1+w)=0.25sin(2pi*x)

avec condition au bord periodique et condition initiale w(x,0)=0.

So i try with Following code:

Is my code correct? Please. Beacause when i visualize uh and wh there are static! is not normal. And if i try eps=0.5 and w=3, i see the ball in qdelta but the boundary of ball isn’t regular
Kind regards

 load "UMFPACK64"

load "iovtk"

load  "msh3"


func real qdelta (real t, real s, real c, real w) {
  real t1 = t - rint(t);
  real s1 = s - rint(s);
  real c1 = c -rint(c);
  real delta= ((3./4.)*(1./pi*w))^1/3;
  if ( square(s1)+square(t1)+square(c1) <= square(delta)) 
    return w;
    return 0.0;

func real q (real t, real s, real c,real w) {
  real t1 = t - rint(t);
  real s1 = s - rint(s);
  real c1 = c -rint(c);
   real delta= ((3./4.)*(1./pi*w))^1/3;
  if ( square(s1)+square(t1)+square(c1) <= square(delta)) 
    return 1;
    return 0.0;

func real f (real x)
  return 0.25*sin(2*pi*x);

// initial values for the spatial domain
int N=20;
real eps=0.1, w=2000;

real t=0.00;
real dt=0.1;

real[int] h;     // value of h 
real[int] error; // error in norm H1 
ofstream fout("error.txt");
fout << "#  h error" << endl;

 ofstream fouti("errH1.txt");
fouti << "# t errH1" << endl;

  mesh3 Th=cube(20,20,20);
  fespace Vh(Th,P1,periodic=[[1,x,z],[3,x,z],[2,y,z],[4,y,z],[5,x,y],[6,x,y]]);
  fespace Wh(Th,P2,periodic=[[1,x,z],[3,x,z],[2,y,z],[4,y,z],[5,x,y],[6,x,y]]);
  Vh uh=0.0;
  Vh wh=0.0;
  Vh vh;
  Vh oldU=0.0;
  Vh oldW=0.0;
  real T=1.0;// arbitraire
  int[int] Order= [1];

  Vh fh=f;

  Vh nith = 0.0; // for nonlinear iterations
  Vh g0,g1,g2,g3;
  Wh uplot;

  // Nonlinear part is calculated in previous iteration (nith) and becomes a part of the right hand side
  problem het(uh,vh,init=t) =
    +int3d(Th)(qdelta(x/eps,y/eps,z/eps,w)*g0*vh*dt) +int3d(Th)(qdelta(x/eps,y/eps,z/eps,w)*g1*uh*vh*dt)

  problem hom(wh,vh,init=t) =
    +int3d(Th)(g2*vh*dt) +int3d(Th)(g3*wh*vh*dt)
savevtk("q.vtu",Th,uplot,dataname="qdelta", order=Order);
 cout << "mean value of qdelta: " << int3d(Th)(uplot);

  for (t=0;t<=T;t+=dt) {
    cout << "Time = " << t << endl;
    int k=0;        
    int noit = 10; // maximum no of nonlinear iterations
    real errnlhet = 0;  // error of nonlinear iteration of het
    real normuh = 0;
    real errnlhom =0; // error of nonlinear iteration of hom
    real normwh=0;
    // Nonlinear iterations for heterogeneous solution
    nith = uh; // start nonlinear iterations  with last solution for het
    cout << "    Solving nonlinear heterogeneous problem.\n";
    for(k=1;k<noit; ++k) {
      normuh = sqrt(int3d(Th)(square(uh))); // L^2 nor of the solution of het
      errnlhet = sqrt(int3d(Th)(square(uh - nith))); // L^2 norm of the error in nonlinear iteration of het
      cout << "        " << k << ": error = " << errnlhet << endl;
      if(errnlhet <= 1E-5*normuh) // stopping criteria. If relative error
      break;        // is less than 1E-5 stop nonlinear iterations of het
      nith = uh; // prepare new iteration
    // Check convergence for het  
    if(k >= noit) {
      cout << "Nonlinear solver for het did not converged.\n";
      cout << "Error = " << errnlhet << endl;
      cout << "|| uh || = " << normuh << endl;
      exit(1); // exit the program with error code 1

    nith= wh; // start nonlinear iteration with last solution for hom
    cout << "    Solving nonlinear homogeneous problem.\n";
    for(k=1;k<noit; ++k) {
      normwh = sqrt(int3d(Th)(square(wh))); // L^2 nor of the solution of hom
      errnlhom = sqrt(int3d(Th)(square(wh - nith))); // L^2 norm of the error in nonlinear iteration of hom
      cout << "        " << k << ": error = " << errnlhom << endl;
      if (errnlhom <= 1E-5*normwh) // stopping criteria. If relative error
        break;        // is less than 1E-5 stop nonlinear iterations of het
      nith = wh; // prepare new iteration
    // Check convergence for het  
    if(k >= noit) {
      cout << "Nonlinear solver for hom did not converged.\n";
      cout << "Error = " << errnlhom << endl;
      cout << "|| wh || = " << normwh << endl;
      exit(1); // exit the program with error code 1
  real errH1 = sqrt(int3d(Th)(square(uh - wh)) + int3d(Th)(square(dx(uh)-dx(wh)) + square(dy(uh)-dy(wh))+ square(dz(uh)-dz(wh))));
  cout << " ==== errH1 ( t = " << t <<", errH1 = " << errH1 << ") = "<< errH1 <<endl;
  fout << t <<" "<< errH1 <<endl;

savevtk("u.vtu",Th,uh,dataname="uh", order=Order);
savevtk("w.vtu",Th,wh,dataname="vh", order=Order);

   real errH1 = sqrt(int3d(Th)(square(uh - wh)) + int3d(Th)(square(dx(uh)-dx(wh)) + square(dy(uh)-dy(wh))+ square(dz(uh)-dz(wh))));
  cout << " ==== errH1 ( eps = " << eps <<", omega = " << w << ", eps^2*omega = " << eps^2*w << ") = "<< errH1 <<endl;
