Out of Memory error

Hello, all experts
I am getting the following error " out of Memory" to a specific FF+ code. My laptop is lenovo (intel Core i7).

Does there any way to resolve this issue??. I have used " UMFPACK" solver.

Thanks in advance.

NO and Yes,

You can try with MUMPS_seq , or try to use parallel solver like PETSc ,

Thanks sir for your replies. Can you help me to install parallel solver like PETSc in FreeFem++??. I am facing problem to install and use it. I have tried but not getting how to install and use it sir. Can you please share the link to install PETSc in FreeFem++ and some demo examples. I have seen the documentation but not getting how to install and use it. Thanks in advance sir.

What are the problems you are facing when trying to install PETSc or MUMPS?

Thanks sir for your replies. I have seen the documentation but not getting the proper link to download PETSc or Mumps. Also, i am not getting how to use it after installation. What are software are require for that??.

Follow these steps GitHub - FreeFem/FreeFem-sources: FreeFEM source code.

Thanks sir. I am using FFv4.13. I am getting the following error to run a PETSc code.

How to fixed it sir?. I am very new to use it. Can i not use FreeFem++ to run PETSc code. How to download mpi version in windows of FreeFem++??. So that Code run well.

You need to use FreeFem++-mpi, not FreeFem++.

I am not getting sir where is the link sir to download FreeFem+±mpi for window 11. Only FreeFem+±mpi is enough sir?.

This is shipped in the installer together with the FreeFem++ binary.

I have currently install FreeFem++ v4.15 sir. But where is FreeFem++ -mpi??. I am not getting it.

I have get it but it showing problem to install sir.
Following error comes as soon as i open it.

Intially at FF++ v4.14 also shows same problem. Then, i delete that and install v4.15. Now, again it showing. How to fix it sir??.

It showing msmpi.dll is not found sir. But i downloaded all things. Why it showing so. I am using windows 11.

You did not install MS-MPI.

Can you please share me the link of that sir so that i can install easily and use it. Thanks sir.

Sir, are you telling about this to download. What are the steps after this download over??. Two Software are coming by installing this.