Dear @frederichecht Sir,
I have thoroughly analyze the code that you have sent me.
I have one doubt:
- few terms for Newtons method under integral have not been included.
can we exclude that linear terms ( i.e. for pressure, temperature,…)
I have rebuild that equation including all those terms but unfortunately, error terms are high ( approx 1).
Kindly suggest me to fix it.
// all coefficient used in problem
real Ra = 1e6;
real Pr = 0.71;
real Da = 1e-5;
real pRaPr = Ra*Pr;
real dPrDa = Pr/Da;
real[int] aRa = [1e3];
int nn = 20;
real ccc = 1.5;//2.;
macro fff(x) ((1+tanh(ccc*(x*2-1))/tanh(ccc))/2)//
mesh Th=square(nn,nn,[x,(y*(1-x*0.0))]);
// finite element fespace
fespace Vh(Th,[P2,P2,P1,P2]);
Vh [u1, u2, p, T];
Vh [uw1, uw2, pw, Tw];
Vh [v1, v2, q, TT];
//macro list used in the problem
macro div(u1, u2) ( dx(u1) + dy (u2) ) //
macro grad( u ) [ dx(u), dy(u) ] //
macro Grad(u1, u2) [ grad(u1), grad(u2) ] //
macro Ugradv(u1, u2, v) ([ u1, u2 ]'* grad(v)) //
macro UgradV(u1,u2, v1, v2 ) [Ugradv(u1, u2, v1), Ugradv(u1, u2, v2)] //
problem porous( [ uw1, uw2, pw, Tw] , [ v1, v2, q, TT] ) =
int2d(Th)( UgradV(uw1, uw2, u1, u2)'*[v1, v2]
+ UgradV(u1, u2, uw1, uw2)'*[v1, v2]
- q*div(uw1, uw2)
- pw*div(v1, v2)
+ Pr* (Grad(uw1, uw2): Grad(v1, v2))
+ dPrDa * [uw1, uw2]'*[v1, v2]
- pRaPr * v2*Tw
+Ugradv(uw1, uw2, T)* TT
+Ugradv(u1, u2, Tw)* TT
+ grad(Tw)'*grad(TT)
+ 1e-8 * pw* q)
- int2d(Th) ( UgradV(u1,u2,u1,u2)'* [v1, v2]
- q*div(u1, u2)
- p* div(v1, v2)
+ dPrDa* [u1, u2]'*[v1, v2]
+Ugradv(u1, u2, T)*TT
+ grad(T)'*grad(TT)
+ 1e-8*p*q )
+ on(1, 2,3,4, uw1 =0, uw2 =0, pw =0 )
+ on(2,3, Tw = 0)
+ on(1, Tw=sin(pi*x)); //Tw = 1);
real err;
real tol = 1e-8;
bool Newton = true;
[u1, u2, p, T] =[0, 0, 0, 1];
for(int kkk=0; kkk<aRa.n; ++kkk)
for (int step = 0; step <100 ; ++step)
uw1[] = u1[];
uw2[] = u2[];
pw[] = p[];
Tw[] = T[];
// solving problem
u1[] = u1[] - uw1[];
u2[] = u2[] - uw2[];
p[] = p[] - pw[];
T[] = T[] - Tw[];
//plot([u1, u2], p, T, wait =1);
real Lu1 = u1[].l2; // , Lu2 = u2[].l2, Lp = p[].l2, LT = T[].l2;
err = uw1[].l2/Lu1; //+ uw2[].l2/Lu2 + pw[].l2/Lp + Tw[].l2/LT;
cout << "err value is"<< err<<endl;
//plot([u1,u2],T,wait=1,cmm="Ra ="+Ra);
plot(T, wait = 1);
if (err < tol) break;
if ( step >3 && err >10 ) break;
if(kkk==0) {
// u1,u2,p,T privious mesh
[uw1,uw2,pw,Tw]=[0,0,0,0];// // up1,up2,pp,Tp
uw1[] = u1[];
uw2[] = u2[];
pw[] = p[];
Tw[] = T[];
// new mesh
[u1,u2,p,T]=[0,0,0,0];// // up1,up2,pp,Tp
u2[] = uw2[];
p[] = pw[];
T[] = Tw[];
plot([u1,u2],T,wait=1,cmm="Ra ="+Ra);