New space for FreeFEM

Hello, everyone! Is there a space like this? The space of functions which are constant over the whole domain. It is employed to model concepts such as global constraints. Any comments are welcome.

This problem is solved in the following example: FreeFem-sources/examples/tutorial/Laplace-lagrange-mult.edp at master · FreeFem/FreeFem-sources · GitHub.

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Many thanks, this is a good way. But it needs the matrix, is not friendly for comlpex problem.

What do you mean? In all cases, you need to solve a linear system.

I’m sorry for misleading you. For comlpex problems, I prefer to write their schemes rather than their matrix form. Thus, in my opinion, maybe a new space is better.

What schemes? What complex problems? Your question is extremely vague, so I cannot give you a precise answer. But again, in the end, you’ll need to solve a linear system, adding a “new space” just means in algebraic form to add a set of equations, so it’s perfectly doable in FreeFEM using the block (MATLAB-like) syntax, which is, in my opinion, not so complex and closely related to the mathematical formulation.