Hi, guys
I’m trying to do an elastic simulation on a ring with an insertion to it, which ends up with the ring having two different mechanical properties.
I wonder how should I assign different properties to different regions of the mesh. and how should I change the linear elasticity equation to have both E and v in it.
Thank you so much for your help.
The mesh looks like this:
And here is the code I generated the mesh
real R2 = 0.00852; // outer radius [m]
real R1 = 0.00708; // inner radius [m]
real Rd = 0.00778; // notch outer radius [m]
real delta = 17.3*pi/180.; // half of notch angle
border S1(t=2*pi,0){x=R1*cos(t); y=R1*sin(t); label=1;} //inner surface
border S2a(t=0,angle-delta){x=R2*cos(t); y=R2*sin(t); label=2;} // S2a-e outer surface
border S2b(t=R2,Rd){x=t*cos(angle-delta);y=t*sin(angle-delta); label=3;}
border S2c(t=angle-delta,angle+delta){x=Rd*cos(t); y=Rd*sin(t); label=4;}
border S2d(t=Rd,R2){x=t*cos(angle+delta);y=t*sin(angle+delta); label=5;}
border S2e(t=angle+delta,2*pi){x=R2*cos(t); y=R2*sin(t); label=6;}
border S3a(t=angle+delta,angle-delta){x=R2*cos(t); y=R2*sin(t); label=7;}// S3 Inclusion
mesh Th1=buildmesh( S1(n)+S2a(3*n/4-nc/2)+S2b(7)+S2c(nc)+S2d(7)+S2e(n/4-nc/2));
//plot(Th1,ps="tube.ps"); // notched tube shape before deformation
mesh Th2=buildmesh(S2b(-7)+S2c(-nc)+S2d(-7)+S3a(-nc));
//plot(Th2,ps="inclusion.ps"); // inclusion part before deformation
mesh Th = Th1+Th2;