Issue with movemesh

The following code using movemesh returns an error on FreeFEM 4.4 and 4.5 (Ubuntu 18.04):
load “msh3”
load “tetgen”
mesh3 Th = cube(1, 1, 1);

the error message is:
Th=movemesh(Th,transfo=[x+1,y,z]) error operator (
List of choices
( : , <7E_Array>… )
( : , <7E_Array> )
( : , <7E_Array> )
( : , <7E_Array> )

Best regards,

Read the doc please:

Thank you!
I am sorry I didn’t check the documentation on “movemesh” before, but I found the wrong syntax in the documentation, in the example for “movemesh23” command, at line 63:
“meshS Thmv2 = movemesh(Thfinal, transfo=[mv2x, mv2y, mv2z], facemerge=0);”

Best regards