Input Border Data from an External File in FreeFEM++

Hello everyone,
I am currently working on a project in FreeFEM++ and would like to know how to read boundary coordinates from an external file. I have a file named Data.dat that contains
r and z values in a table format, for example:

r1 z1
r2 z2
r3 z3

My goal is to read this data and use it to define a boundary or contour in my computational domain. I’ve tried using an ifstream to read the file, but I encountered errors (e.g., “No operator .is for type ”).

Could anyone provide a working example or recommend an approach for:

  1. Reading such an external file in FreeFEM++.
  2. Using the data to define a boundary or mesh?

Thank you in advance for your help! Any suggestions or sample scripts would be greatly appreciated.

Best regards,

You can do for example as
borderdatatomesh.edp (2.6 KB)
I have taken as example input file bdry.dat as

0. 0.
1. 0.
2. 1.
1. 3.
0.5 5.
0. 1.

The first line contains the number of points on the boundary (6 in the example),
and next the x and y coordinates of the points.
They are supposed to represent the boundary oriented in the trigonometric sense.

I assume the data will represent a star-shaped domain, and I therefore add a point in the middle (coordinate 0.5, 0.5 in the file .edp) so that the mesh is made of triangles joining a boundary segment to the center.

After that you can refine the mesh (see file).

There is a much simpler way by using a multi-border
borderdatatomesh.edp (1.0 KB)
The domain needs not be star-shaped.
You have simply to set nbsegborder in order to define the level of discretization.