How to solve 2D fractional diffusion equation with convex domain in freeFeem?

Hi-I need know how to solve 2D fractional diffusion equation with convex domain in Freefem.

Some methods are proposed in

It seems to be feasible in FreeFem.

Thank you for your response! I need to solve the equation by using BEGM, but freefem code challenging me.

Respected Professor, Can you share some FreeFem++ code of fractional partial differential equation of elliptic (Poisson Problem with non-homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conidition)and parabolic problem(Heat equation with non-homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conidition). Thanks in advance. It will be great help for me if get some demo code of this.

I don’t have such code…

Okay thanks sir. No problem. I am trying that.