Heat Flux Boundary Condition for 1D Line Element

Hello everyone,

I have a question regarding boundary conditions in FreeFEM++. Specifically, I would like to know if it is possible to apply a heat flux boundary condition to a one-dimensional line element at any of its boundaries.

For context, I am working on a heat transfer problem where I need to specify a heat flux instead of a temperature at one of the boundaries. The problem statement and the .edp file are attached below. I would appreciate any guidance on how to implement this in FreeFEM++, or if there are specific commands or examples you could point me to.

Thank you!!!

trial.edp (8.0 KB)

I think that you need to set non-homogeneous Neumann BC.
For your heat equation it means -K\frac{dT}{dx}n=g, with g a given boundary flux, n the external normal (+1 on the right, -1 on the left of the domain)
For that you juste delete the +on(1,T=1000)
and replace it by +int0d(Th)(g*v)
However if you want to put different conditions on the left and on the right, you need to define boundary labels, I don’t know how to do it in 1d.

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