Graphics with FF++

please what instructions we have to use to plot U(x,y,t) for t fixed?
We have

mesh Th = square(N,N,[L*x,H*y]);
fespace Vh(Th,P1);
Vh U;

I try to use

ofstream foutU("U.txt");
for (real t=0;t<T;t+=dt) {
foutU << t << " " << U << endl;

This instruction gives a graphe in function of t but for which values of (x,y)? Please.



mesh Th = square(N,N,[L*x,H*y]);
fespace Vh(Th,P1);
Vh U;

for t fixed, what is the FF++ instructions to obtain the graphic in 2 D with Gnuplot or Paraview, of U(x,y,t) for all (x,y)?
I found this instruction

int[int] Order = [1];string DataName = "u";savevtk("u.vtu", Th, u, dataname=DataName, order=Order);

but in this example there is no t, so we how we obtain the graphic en 2D of U(t,x,y) for t fixed?
