Getting error giving the quadrature type explicitly

When I use the qfe= option in int2d function I get error. It is fine if I use qforder=
The program below:

mesh Th = square(3,3);
fespace Vh(Th,P1);
Vh v=x;
real s = int2d(Th,qfe=qf1pT)(v);


Impossible to cast <N5Fem2D19GQuadratureFormularINS_2R2EEE> in <N5Fem2D19GQuadratureFormularINS_2R1EEE>

it is normal you give a wrong quadrature formula (on edge not on traingle)
qte= (quadrature on egde (1d))
qft= … (quadrature on face/triangle (2d))
qfV= … (quadrature on tet (3d))

mesh Th = square(3,3);
fespace Vh(Th,P1);
Vh v=x;
real s = int2d(Th,qft=qf1pT)(v);

Thanks Frederic, now it’s fine. But the documentation is wrong then! Here is a screenshot. It uses qfe for int2d (Sec 4.3.2)