// Load necessary FreeFem++ libraries
load "msh3"
load "medit"
macro dimension 2() //EOM
// Parameters
real E = 20000;
real sigma = 0.29;
real gravity = -9.81;
real coef = 0.2;
real uMax= 10;
real D=3;
real rho = 1;
real Wth=0.25;
real Height=5;
real WaterHeight=3;
// Mesh Parameters
int ElsXSolid=1;
int ElsYSolid=10;
// Time parameters
real T = 1.0; // Total time
real dt = 0.01; // Time step
int nsteps = T/dt; // Number of time steps
real amp = 10.0; // Amplitude of the wave
real omega = 400;
// Mesh
border a(t=0, Wth) {x=t; y=0; label=1;};
border b(t=0, Height) {x=Wth; y=t; label=2;};
border c(t=Wth, 0) {x=t; y=Height; label=3;};
border d(t=Height, 0) {x=0; y=t; label=4;};
mesh th2 = buildmesh(a(ElsXSolid) + b(ElsYSolid) + c(ElsXSolid) + d(ElsYSolid),fixedborder=0);
mesh th1 = trunc(th2, 1, split=2);
plot(th1, wait=0, dim=2, fill=true, cmm="Solid Mesh");
fespace Uh1(th1,P1);
Uh1 uux1, uuy1, vvx1, vvy1 ;
real sqrt2=sqrt(2.);
real mu = E/(2*(1+sigma));
real lambda = E*sigma/((1+sigma)*(1-2*sigma));
cout <<"Lambda = "<< gravity << endl;
cout << "Mu = " << mu << endl;
macro epsilon(ux, uy) [dx(ux), dy(uy), (dy(ux)+dx(uy))/sqrt2] //EOM
macro div(ux, uy) (dx(ux) + dy(uy)) //EOM
solve Elasticity([uux1,uuy1],[vvx1,vvy1])=
- int2d(th1) (rho*gravity*vvy1)
+ on(1, uux1=0, uuy1=0)
mesh th3 = movemesh(th1,[x+uux1, y+uuy1]);
fespace Uh(th3,P1);
Uh uux, uuy, vvx, vvy;
plot([uux, uuy], value = true, cmm="u", wait=0);
plot(th1, dim=2, fill=true, value=1, wait=0);
// Mesh (fluid)
border k(t=-4, 0){x=t; y=0; label= 9;}
border l(t=0, WaterHeight){x=0; y=t ; label= 10;}
border m(t=0, -4){x=t; y=WaterHeight; label= 11;}
border n(t=WaterHeight, 0){x=-4; y=t; label= 12;}
mesh sh2 = buildmesh(k(10) + l(10) + m(10) + n(10));
mesh sh1 = trunc(sh2, 1, split=2);
plot(sh1, wait=0);
plot(th1, sh1, wait=0, cmm="Combined Initial Mesh");
//Mesh (fluid2)
border kk(t=Wth, 4+Wth){x=t; y=0; label= 13;}
border ll(t=0, WaterHeight){x=4+Wth; y=t ; label= 14;}
border mm(t=4+Wth, Wth){x=t; y=WaterHeight; label= 15;}
border nn(t=WaterHeight, 0){x=Wth; y=t; label= 2;}
mesh sh4 = buildmesh(kk(10) + ll(10) + mm(10) + nn(10));
mesh sh3 = trunc(sh4, 1, split=2);
plot(sh3, wait=0);
plot(th1, sh1, sh3, wait=1, cmm="Combined Initial Mesh");
fespace Vh(sh1,P2);
Vh ux, uy, vx, vy, ux1, uy1, dux, duy ;
fespace Ph(sh1, P1);
Ph p, q, dp;
macro Gradient(u) [dx(u), dy(u)] //
macro Divergence(ux, uy) (dx(ux) + dy(uy)) //
macro UgradV(ux,uy,vx,vy) [ [ux,uy]'*[dx(vx),dy(vx)] , [ux,uy]'*[dx(vy),dy(vy)] ]// EOM
real arrns = 1e-9;
Uh sigmaxx2, sigmayy2, sigmaxy2 ;
// Vectors to store values for plotting
real[int] forceValues(nsteps);
real[int] displacementValues(nsteps);
real[int] navierStokesValues(nsteps);
real[int] vonMisesValues(nsteps);
// Iterate over time steps
for (int step = 0; step <= 15; ++step) {
// Update time
real t = step * dt;
// Problem
problem S2([ux, uy, p], [vx, vy, q])
= int2d(sh1)(
rho * (Gradient(ux)' * Gradient(vx)
+ Gradient(uy)' * Gradient(vy))
- p * Divergence(vx, vy)
- Divergence(ux, uy) * q)
+ on(12, ux = amp * sin(omega * t+1e-6))
+ on(9, ux = 0., uy = 0.);
problem LinNS2([ux1, uy1, dp], [vx, vy, q]) =
rho * (Gradient(ux1)' * Gradient(vx)
+ Gradient(uy1)' * Gradient(vy))
+ UgradV(ux1, uy1, ux, uy)' * [vx, vy]
+ UgradV(ux, uy, ux1, uy1)' * [vx, vy]
- Divergence(ux1, uy1) * q - Divergence(vx, vy) * dp)
- int2d(sh1)(UgradV(ux, uy, ux, uy)' * [vx, vy])
+ on(12, ux1 = amp * sin(omega * t+1e-6))
+ on(9, ux1 = 0, uy1 = 0);
// Solve fluid problem
int n;
real err=0;
/* Newton Loop */
for(n=0; n<= 15; n++) {
dux[] = ux1[] - ux[];
duy[] = uy1[] - uy[];
err = sqrt(int2d(sh1)(Gradient(dux)'*Gradient(dux)+Gradient(duy)'*Gradient(duy))) /
sqrt(int2d(sh1)(Gradient(ux)'*Gradient(ux) + Gradient(uy)'*Gradient(uy)));
ux[] = ux1[];
uy[] = uy1[];
cout << err << " / " << arrns << endl;
if(err < arrns) break;
/* Newton loop has not converged */
if(err > arrns) {
cout << "NS Warning : non convergence : err = " << err << " / eps = " << arrns << endl;
// Update fluid forces on solid
sigmaxx2 = (2 * dx(ux) - p);
sigmayy2 = (2 * dy(uy) - p);
sigmaxy2 = (dy(ux) + dx(uy));
// Store values for plotting
forceValues[step] = int2d(th1)(sqrt(sigmaxx2^2 + sigmayy2^2 + sigmaxy2^2));
displacementValues[step] = sqrt(int2d(th1)((uux)^2 + (uuy)^2));
navierStokesValues[step] = sqrt(int2d(sh1)((ux)^2 + (uy)^2));
vonMisesValues[step] = sqrt(int2d(th1)((sigmaxx2 - sigmayy2)^2 + 3*sigmaxy2^2));
// Solve solid problem
solve Elasticity2([uux, uuy], [vvx, vvy]) =
lambda * div(vvx, vvy) * div(uux, uuy)
+ 2. * mu * (epsilon(vvx, vvy)' * epsilon(uux, uuy))
- int2d(th3)(rho * gravity * vvy)
- int1d(th3,4)(
coef * (sigmaxx2 * N.x * vvx + sigmayy2 * N.y * vvy + sigmaxy2 * (N.y * vvx + N.x * vvy))
+ on(1, uux = 0, uuy = 0);
cout << "Sigma XX = " << sigmaxx2[].linfty << endl;
cout << "Sigma YY = " << sigmayy2[].linfty << endl;
cout << "Sigma XY = " << sigmaxy2[].linfty << endl;
//Solve fluid2
fespace Vh2(sh3, P2);
Vh2 u2x, u2y, v2x, v2y;
solve Fluid2([u2x,u2y], [v2x,v2y])=
int2d(sh3)(u2x' * v2x + u2y' *v2y)
+ on(2, u2x=uux, u2y=0);
// Update mesh displacement
th3 = movemesh(th1, [x + uux, y + uuy]);
sh1 = adaptmesh(sh1, [dx(ux1), dy(uy1), dx(ux1), dy(uy1)], splitpbedge=1, abserror=0, cutoff=0.01, inquire=0, ratio=1.5, hmin=1./1000);
sh3 = adaptmesh(sh3, splitpbedge=1, abserror=0, cutoff=0.01, inquire=0, ratio=1.5, hmin=1./1000);
sh3 = movemesh(sh3, [u2x, u2y]);
// Plot results
plot(th3,sh1,sh3, value = true, fill = true, wait = 1);
//plot(th3,sh1, [ux, uy], ps = "velocity.ps", value = 1, coef = .05, wait=0);
//plot(p, ps = "pressure.ps", value = 1, fill = 1, wait=0);
// Additional Plots
//plot(sigmaxx2, value=true, cmm="Sigma XX (Step " + step + ")", wait=0);
plot(sigmayy2, fill = true,value=true, cmm="Sigma YY (Step " + step + ")", wait=0);
//plot(sigmaxy2, value=true, cmm="Sigma XY (Step " + step + ")", wait=0);
//border k(t=-4, 0){x=t; y=0; label= 9;}
//border l(t=0, WaterHeight){x=0+uux(0,t)*( t>=0.001 )*(t <= 0.999*WaterHeight); y=t+uuy(0,t)*( t>=0.001 )*(t <= //0.999*WaterHeight) ; label= 10;}
//border m(t=0, -4){x=t; y=WaterHeight; label= 11;}
//border nb(t=WaterHeight, 0){x=-4; y=t; label= 12;}
//sh2 = buildmesh(k(10) + l(10) + m(10) + nb(10));
//sh1 = trunc(sh2, 1, split=2);
//medit("final", th1, [uux, uuy], order = 1, wait = 1);
//Obtaining the von Mises stress
fespace Wh(th1,P1); //We can define a new finite elements space
Wh Sigmavm;
//Stress tensor (since it is symmetric, it is enough with 3 elements)
macro Sigma(uux,uuy) [2*mu*dx(uux)+lambda*(dx(uux)+dy(uuy)),
//Von Mises stress
Sigmavm = sqrt(Sigma(uux,uuy)[0]*Sigma(uux,uuy)[0]-Sigma(uux,uuy)[0]*Sigma(uux,uuy)[1]
plot(Sigmavm, value=true, fill=true, cmm="Von Mises Stress"); //Ploting the result
real Sigmavmmax = Sigmavm[].max; //Max. von Mises stress
cout << " Max von Mises Stress = " << Sigmavmmax << endl;
// Plot the diagrams
ofstream forceFile("forceValues.txt");
ofstream displacementFile("displacementValues.txt");
ofstream navierStokesFile("navierStokesValues.txt");
ofstream vonMisesFile("vonMisesValues.txt");
for (int step = 0; step <= 15; ++step) {
forceFile << step*dt << " " << forceValues[step] << endl;
displacementFile << step*dt << " " << displacementValues[step] << endl;
navierStokesFile << step*dt << " " << navierStokesValues[step] << endl;
vonMisesFile << step*dt << " " << vonMisesValues[step] << endl;
I have written an FSI code for two fluids and a solid. In the first fluid there is some NS pressures that cause some displacements and so some deformations to my solid. The solid with its turn now should deform the second fluid2 that it is unloaded and should only deforms as the solid and follow it(the solid) through all its deformations. All the geometries should be plotting like they are “glowed”.
At my code when i have the movemesh of the 2nd fluid if it is written sh3 = movemesh(sh3, [u2x, u2y]);
i have a reverse triangle error, if it is as sh3 = movemesh(sh3, [x+u2x, y+u2y]);
it just adds the displacement at every step and it doesn’t follow my solid.
I though that i could use an “if” statement so the mesh will move only if the displ> previous displ.
Can anyone help me with this problem?