Dear all,
I am using ffddm to a mixed finite element problem with finite spaces [RT0,P0].
When I used ffddmbuildDfespace to build the local space, it showed an error:
Probleme partition de l’unite : uu.linfty = 1.
I realized that I should use ffddmbuildDfespaceEdge instead of ffddmbuildDfespace, for non Lagrange finite element:
But I have no idea how to choose a Pkpart space for [RT0,P0].
The following is my example:
include “ffddm.idp”
load “Element_Mixte”
macro dimension 2// EOM
int[int] ll=[1,2,3,4]; //boundary labels : 1 for bottom 2 for right 3 for upper 4 for left
mesh Th = square(20, 20, [x, y],label=ll);
macro def(i) [i,i#B,i#C]// EOM // temperature field definition
macro init(i) [i,i,i]// EOM // temperature field initialization
func Pk = [RT0,P0];
func PkPart = [P1,P1,P0];
ffddmbuildDfespaceEdge(MFE , M , real , def , init , Pk, def, init,PkPart)