Dear all,
I am solving a simple mechanical problem. I am able to solve the problem. I want to get the reactions at the fixed boundary. I tried but was not able to get the values correct. Can anyone tell me how to get reactions/stresses on the nodes?
// Solving simple mechanical problem
//Generating 2D mesh
int lower = 1;
int upper = 2;
int right = 3;
int left = 4;
border B(t=0,1){ x=0+t; y=0; label= lower; }
border S1(t=0,1){x= 1;y=0+t; label= right;}
border T(t=0,1){ x=1-t; y=1; label= upper; }
border S2(t=0,1){x= 0;y=1-t; label= left;}
int n=2;
plot(B(n) + S1(n) +T(n) +S2(n), wait=true);
mesh Omega = buildmesh(B(n) + S1(n) +T(n) +S2(n) );
plot(Omega,fill=1, cmm="Discritized Mesh",wait=true);
// Finite element function space
fespace Displacement(Omega, P1); // linear shape functions
Displacement ux, uy, delux, deluy;
fespace Stress(Omega, P0); // values to store
Stress sigmaxx, sigmayy, sigmaxy, Tx, Ty, Fx; // To be checked
// Material Properties
real lambda = 121.15e3;
real mu = 80.77e3;
real E= mu*(3*lambda+2*mu)/(lambda+mu);
real nuu = lambda/2/(lambda+mu);
// Constitutive realations
real sqrt2=sqrt(2.);
macro epsilon(ux,uy) [dx(ux),dy(uy),(dy(ux)+dx(uy))/sqrt2] //EOM
macro div(ux,uy) (dx(ux)+dy(uy)) //EOM
macro C E/(1-nuu^2)*[[1, nuu, 0],
[nuu, 1, 0],
[0, 0, (1-nuu)/2]] //EOM
macro Grad(s) [dx(s),dy(s)] //EOM
macro sigma(ux,uy) lambda*div(ux,uy)*[1.0, 1.0, 0.0]+ 2*mu*epsilon(ux,uy) //EOM
macro sigma1(ux,uy) [lambda*div(ux,uy)+2*mu*epsilon(ux,uy)[0],lambda*div(ux,uy)+2*mu*epsilon(ux,uy)[1],
2*mu*epsilon(ux,uy)[0]] //EOM
// Applying loads
real ue=0.5;
problem mechanical([ux, uy],[delux, deluy]) =
+ on(left,ux=0,uy=0)
+ on(right,ux=ue)
// solving problem
sigmaxx = sigma1(ux,uy)[0];
sigmayy = sigma1(ux,uy)[1];
sigmaxy = sigma1(ux,uy)[2];
plot(sigmaxx, cmm="Stresses", wait=true, fill=1);
Tx =0;
Ty =0;
Tx = int1d(Omega,left)(sigmaxx*N.x + sigmaxy*N.y);
Ty = sigmaxy*N.x + sigmayy*N.y;
plot(Tx, cmm="traction-x", wait=true, value=1, fill=1);
plot(Ty, cmm="traction-y", wait=true, value=1, fill=1);
Fx = int1d(Omega,left)(sigmaxx*N.x + sigmaxy*N.y);
//Fx = int1d(Omega,left)(sigmaxx*N.x + sigmaxy*N.y);
ofstream gg("data.dat");
gg << Tx[] <<endl;
real sum=0;
ofstream ff("values.dat");
for(int i=0;i<100;i++) {
// x, y, Sxx, Syy, Sxy
real yline = 0. + 1*i/100.;
real xline = 1*i/100.;
sum = sum + Fx(xline,yline);
ff << "Net reaction ::" << sum <<endl;
plot(sigmaxx, cmm="Stresses", wait=true, fill=1);
cout<< "Solution Completed" << endl;